Author Topic: Bricktopia (Big Update, top of OP; public Discord link)  (Read 13109 times)

Nice. Now there's gonna be another fight between 3 building games. But which is which?

You're correct in an incorrect way. There is a HELL of a lot more to learn, yes, but not more than i think. I am fully aware that this is not going to be easy. And proportionately, i know very, very little. I've never denied that. But I am both a fast learner in this department, and very determined. Don't confuse my faith for arrogance, or my on the spot, placeholder ideas for how something could work for "here's how it's going to happen"
this response is reminding me heavily of the dunning kruger effect

im just sayin, as someone who genuinely enjoys this game, when i saw gsf’s topic i was like “damn it’d be hella cool if i could help dude out and make that happen”. and then like two more topics pop up with the exact same project ??? i understand having your own vision and allat, but like you all are fully grown guys who got lives and stuff, do you realistically think you’re gonna be able to flesh out a full blown game in a reasonable amount of time? op promised just a video two days ago and i ain’t seen anything yet

just throwing out ideas, id play the stuff outta blockland 2 and would love to see it happen

you all are fully grown guys who got lives and stuff, do you realistically think you’re gonna be able to flesh out a full blown game in a reasonable amount of time?
Fully grown guy: Yes
Got a life: No
Do I realistically think i'm gonna be able to flesh out a full blown game in a reasonable amount of time: Well, idk. I don't really care either. It's not about being the fastest, or the best, or the shiniest. It's about creating something that i'm proud of. It's about making my dream come true. And i'm going to keep at it no matter where Ghost's or Dren's games are at.

op promised just a video two days ago and i ain’t seen anything yet
funny you mentioned that, I've been more focused on development then videos, trying to figure out this dynamic dimensions thing and how to get it to work in an optimized way, I would be making much faster progress if the bricks were cubes, but i have to account for the fact that the studs on top and bottom needs to be tiled, not stretched. I just put up and was about to link a video showing that i do have the visuals for the ghost brick working for this, but i'm going to throw it in with a bunch of other clips now that you mentioned that because yeah, i did promise that.

this response is reminding me heavily of the dunning kruger effect
idk how many times i have to say it.

Idk a bunch of stuff.
I'm willing to learn a bunch of stuff.

I mean for goodness sake:
i know very, very little.

I really wish people would stop busting my balls for stuff that isn't related to the topic, like the fact that i talk about Ghost and Dren, and what i know.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2017, 06:57:18 PM by Yin Yang »

Thirdly, Blockland isn't about mechanics or features, it's about building and creating with digital legos. So yeah, if your bored of having infinite free legos of any size shape and color that you can program to do almost anything, you won't want to play our games, because that's what it's about. Yeah we're going to add fun features, items, mechanics, and so on, but that's what it's about. I want an up to date and more expandable Blockland, with more features, and infinitly more expand-ability via addons and mods. Not a whole new game. What if there was an addon for a real portal gun in blockland? Not just a cheap particle effect, but a real 3d see through portal? Well guess what's going to be available in Bricktopia. *cough* Camera support *cough cough*

Finally, Your kind of making some grand assumptions here based on little to almost no evidence, like i said our games are just getting the base features functioning, we hardly started, and your already assuming what the final product is going to be off of that. Every game is going to look like stuff when it's first started. Have patients, wait to have those oppinions when i state the game is in Beta, when most of the base features have been added and its more about polishing and adding less important features.
first of all, if people want to unleash their creativity with infinite blocks and build things, they'll play a refined game like blockland or minecraft. Providing another game where you can do almost the exact same things as the first with added things isn't an improvement, it's just a carbon copy with slight differences, most of which will get old in minutes of gameplay.

Second, adding fueatures liberally 'just because' isn't going to make your game any more attractive. It's something called 'more is less' and it's the reason why blockland did so good on its own- because it has everything it needs to be functional. All the tools to build and create are given to you, and no arbitrary features were added in. This whole thing about expanding moddability or giving better graphics and aesthetics is weak, giving your game a ton of particle engines and next gen graphics won't make the game any more meaningful, it will just bloat it full of features that will be lost on users, and will end up costing you half a year to implement

Lastly, everything you've shown us so far has been a battle between admiration and experience. You want to display this game to us so we can admire your work, which is fair, anyone can see you've been putting in hundreds of hours of work into this project. For that, yes, this is all very impressive. But the product, the experience, already looks raw and nonexistent. Nobody needs to see a live demo of the game to see this- your attitude and posts say it all- you made this game for yourself, not for other people. Since we are all other people, the best we can do is admire your effort, but nobody can honestly say they will enjoy your work.

Your project lacks meaningful design. Please, use our criticism in the future to design your games around meaningful features, things that will be fun for other people- not just yourself. Also please don't take offense from any of this, it's meant to be somewhat constructive
« Last Edit: October 26, 2017, 07:02:11 PM by PhantOS »

you made this game for yourself, not for other people.
This is exactly what I assumed you were completely overlooking until you said it, and even then i think your forgetting it with most of your argument. Because that's exactly right, above all else I'm making this for me, not for everyone else. When this actually gets to a usable state I will be distributing it, i'm not saying I'm going to keep this for myself, But I am doing this for me, not for anyone else. I posted it here because i wanted to talk about it and get input about it for want it is. At the end of the day idc if someone doesn't like my project for X Y Z A B C D E F G reasons, especially if some of their main points rely on the fact that they know exactly what the game is going to be like when i've gotten it to the point that i've always imagined it. Yeah, your still making assumptions of what the final game is going to be based on something i'm calling a pre-prealpha, and general things i want to add in the future-distant future. You have no idea when, where, or how i'm going to implement them. I do appreciate your insight, but i wish you would wait for me to actually make the mistakes your assuming i'm going to make, and actually get to know me and what i actually think about the topics you discussed, before you, frankly, lecture me about them. I never once said that fancy graphics was going to be a main selling point of the game, or that anyone, myself included, cares at all, all i said is that they're going to exist; Unity has the capacity for great graphics, I figure why not use it.

adding features liberally 'just because' isn't going to make your game any more attractive. It's something called 'more is less' and it's the reason why blockland did so good on its own-
Well thats the thing with life, it isn't always as simple as less is more and more is less, in a lot of cases it is, but in game design, you need a precise balance, a really good Feature : Implementation quality ratio. See, there's a drastic difference between what i think of as "Features" and "Items/Graphics/ect", When i mention features, i'm referring to "tools to build and create", and just because there are more options to do so doesn't mean that the game is going to be bloated. Bloated implies that the game is going to be bogged down, the user experience is going to be of a lower quality due to the number of features. And if implemented badly that's exactly what these features can and will do, but if implemented correctly, you can add many a feature before things start getting bloated. Especially if said features are to help you do X Y and Z in different ways, as apposed to give you toys to play with. Different people prefer different methods.

Also, keep in mind that a lot of the features and tools I'm adding to my game, I always wished was in blockland, I, as a consumer, wanted those features, but was either not possible, or noone wanted to make an addon of it.

And just to reiterate.
Your project lacks meaningful design.
It's in pre-prealpha. Any project by any dev ever that is consitered in a state where it's not even pre alpha, let alone in pre alpha itself, is always going to lack meaningful design, because the dev has barely started yet.
To make an over simplified example, It's like a chief says he's going to make some Meatloaf, so he starts chopping an onion and people start complaining because "That's not meatloaf" "That's nothing like meatloaf"

I just started. Give me some time to actually get something to a point that i would call done, because right now, literally nothing is.

If you want to continue this conversation I'm fine with it, but please do so via PMs, I want this topic to be as drama free as possible, Like you i'm not mad or trying to be offensive, but this is turning into a PM conversation
« Last Edit: October 26, 2017, 07:45:36 PM by Yin Yang »

Not a bad idea, how about the standard Paintcan has a primary and secondary fire, primary for standard Blockland functionality, secondary for realistic paintcan functionality?
Yeah, that seems good, but what about jetting? will you just be unable to jet when using the spraycan?

Yeah, that seems good, but what about jetting? will you just be unable to jet when using the spraycan?
Well i haven't thought of a control scheme yet, but i wouldn't tie them to the same controls.
My first thought is Primary fire for an item on LMB, Secondary on MMB, and Jets on RMB.. thoughts?
Usuly in FPS' or, really anything where your using a gun with a secondary fire, the secondary fire is either MMB or Q or something, because zoom is almost universally the RMB

Name is bland and uninspiring, I encourage you to be more creative. Take inspiration from Blockland, but don't bite it.