pie crusts manifesto (He Lives!) (thread sponsored by microedge)

Author Topic: pie crusts manifesto (He Lives!) (thread sponsored by microedge)  (Read 39584 times)

cant believe i was stupid enough to fall for this
i still had a little bit of "'y know he's still a person" for piecrust but right now im just so utterly disappointed
legitimately disgusted by a human being right now, god what a gross ass move god DAMN

Hey guys, guess who has an inflammated spinal cord, an internal vein bleeding, and torn muscles! They're probably going to take my phone away sny second now. Apparently, the drop was long enough to tear the jugular vein and the thyrohiode muscles (the ones that let you lower your chin), almost torn the carotid artery, and separate the atlanto vertabre from the oxippital part of my head abd compress the left oart of my spinal cord

I son'g have a mirror right now but the top part of my neck hurts and butns all around and probably lefta mark. Dors that stay?

I find it funny how they gave me a knife

Hey guys, guess who has an inflammated spinal cord, an internal vein bleeding, and torn muscles! They're probably going to take my phone away sny second now. Apparently, the drop was long enough to tear the jugular vein and the thyrohiode muscles (the ones that let you lower your chin), almost torn the carotid artery, and separate the atlanto vertabre from the oxippital part of my head abd compress the left oart of my spinal cord

I’m no doctor, but I think if you tore a vein as large as your jugular, you’d bleed out and there’s no way to repair it.

Hey guys, guess who has an inflammated spinal cord, an internal vein bleeding, and torn muscles! They're probably going to take my phone away sny second now. Apparently, the drop was long enough to tear the jugular vein and the thyrohiode muscles (the ones that let you lower your chin), almost torn the carotid artery, and separate the atlanto vertabre from the oxippital part of my head abd compress the left oart of my spinal cord

Jesus loving christ lol how much do you weigh bro?

free clique invite to anyone who solves this riddle:

A cowboy arrives in town on Sunday.
He stays for 3 days and then leaves on Sunday.
How is that possible?

anything's possible in the arms of our lord and savior

free clique invite to anyone who solves this riddle:

A cowboy arrives in town on Sunday.
He stays for 3 days and then leaves on Sunday.
How is that possible?

His horse's name is sunday and comes on sunday the horse on thursday and then leaves on the day sunday with his horse sunday.

His horse's name is sunday and comes on sunday the horse on thursday and then leaves on the day sunday with his horse sunday.
no his horse's name is friday

do you not have autocorrect dude

I googled the hospital and its def in argentina

Hey guys, guess who has an inflammated spinal cord, an internal vein bleeding, and torn muscles! They're probably going to take my phone away sny second now. Apparently, the drop was long enough to tear the jugular vein and the thyrohiode muscles (the ones that let you lower your chin), almost torn the carotid artery, and separate the atlanto vertabre from the oxippital part of my head abd compress the left oart of my spinal cord
not trying to be an starfish but you probably should've done more research on better methods, this can seriously forget you up for life