Banned by Polska because I play on v20 a little every now and then.

Author Topic: Banned by Polska because I play on v20 a little every now and then.  (Read 11676 times)


how many people actually play on v20 servers though
the average on weekends is about 10 - 20 and on weekdays its 5 -  15

I stand by the ban, no matter how stuffty it sounds.

v20 is literally killing Blockland, dividing the playerbase between two masterservers.
New players are going to come on and see the small amount of people on v21 and wont even know about v20, and they'll immediately run for a refund.
So while people on v20 are partying, v21 is going to die faster and faster.
When v20 dies, v21 will likely be close to dead.
Keeping Blockland alive is our job as the community, we have to work to make it better for everyone.
What we're doing with v20 is taking a large ass step backwards towards something that wasn't even that good.

I legit don't understand why people think v20 is going to ruin v21 that just makes no sense

Polska are you loving handicapped or something

"you're killing blockland"
people might want to buy it for V20, but that might be a stretch

>bans people for using v20
so you're kicking people off of a V21 server so they go back to V20.

Ah yes, if there's anything killing Blockland it's the fact that people are playing an older version.

If having different versions was dividing the playerbase (it's not), then systematically banning players using a different version is obviously just going to divide it further.

>bans people for using v20
so you're kicking people off of a V21 server so they go back to V20.

I understand how stuffty it sounds, but at the time I was really pissed off due to what was happening.  Heck I'll unban him, just not now
Dude, how are you so pissed off about the fact that people like a different thing than you?

oh no, people are using a different version of a game, whatever shall i do
i know, i'll ban them for using it because forget them for 'killing the game' forget v20 >:(

funny how this is a counterproductive ban at the end of the day

I still connect to v21 often, and our small 10-20 player servers won't kill v21. Even if the numbers are similar to the biggest servers in v21 on weekday mornings, v21 has more than one server hosted and therefore more online players than just the biggest server. Don't see how people playing their game they bought in their own way will magically kill a game.
But this is just my ramblings.

The more people playing v20 the better. It keeps the genetically unfit terrain lovers away from us intelligent and non-superficial gods

The more people playing v20 the better. It keeps the genetically unfit terrain lovers away from us intelligent and non-superficial gods

Believe it or not, I agree with the Pro V21 Argument.
While I miss interriors an terrains, by splitting the community in two you leave the main game half as popular in the long run.
There are many solutions to this problem.

1. Dual Boot blockland with v21 and v20 options
2. v20 download option on steam.
3. Combine v20 and v21 so that that both servers show up on the master server and the client will automatically switch between shaders mode nd terrqin mode

Believe it or not, I agree with the Pro V21 Argument.
While I miss interriors an terrains, by splitting the community in two you leave the main game half as popular in the long run.
There are many solutions to this problem.
the game is already dwindling in popularity, if anything the v20 stuff might reignite interest in players or bring new people on

1. Dual Boot blockland with v21 and v20 options
2. v20 download option on steam.
these are good solutions

3. Combine v20 and v21 so that that both servers show up on the master server and the client will automatically switch between shaders mode nd terrqin mode
not possible ; badspot made it that way

apparently having ANY v20 server on the v21 serverlist can revoke your ability to host

ngl a dual boot option would be kinda cool