Author Topic: [removed by the ADF for tribal content] Boogie2988 divorces his wife  (Read 9785 times)

if you go to school below the Mason-Dixon line, your teachers are legally obligated to teach you that condoms will give you AIDS and that abstinence is the only effective means of birth control.

this sounds completely editorialized.

It was a physical class, as in we had to go to a classroom to take it.

It was once a week for a semester and covered such amazing concepts as institutional racism, toxic masculinity, privilege, and why white people apparently are by default tribal (the rationale given was that because white people are inherently born with privilege, they inherently benefit from not experiencing institutional racism and therefore are part of the problem.)

needless to say, it was loving cancerous
Sounds pretty bad. I don't object wholly to the idea of 'sensitivity training' for employees who have to interact with lots of people on a daily basis, but this sounds more like indoctrination.

Surprisingly, Alabama is an exception to the rule.

Because no one cares about Albania

why are we talking about algeria

I mean this is a Cambodian lego forum

fake news, my health teacher never said a word about abstinence

fake news, my health teacher never said a word about abstinence
It's apparently optional in some of those states to opt-out of the abstinence-only style of love ed. Not Arizona though, unfortunately. All public schools legally obligated to teach it that way.

Just like how you graduated from the University of NAMBLA?

I had to look that one up, my IQ isn't as high as yours

if you go to school below the Mason-Dixon line, your teachers are legally obligated to teach you that condoms will give you AIDS and that abstinence is the only effective means of birth control.
1000000% false

1000000% false
mostly exaggerated but the reality isn't too much better tbh

urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh................ why wuld da bibl belt tech abstience?????/ forgetgn creastions

mostly exaggerated but the reality isn't too much better tbh
People from the south aren't as handicapped as you think.

mostly exaggerated but the reality isn't too much better tbh

Completely exaggerated you are a confirmed compulsive liar.

People from the south aren't as handicapped as you think.

peple from the south r bad >>>:(