Author Topic: phantos admits blender is a good program (confirmed)  (Read 9365 times)

holy loving stuff i didnt know he actually unironically used sketchup

this is my normal working speed tho

i like how you said uou sucked to You lol it actually sounded like you were pointing it at everybody looking at it

i like how you said uou sucked to You lol it actually sounded like you were pointing it at everybody looking at it
Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?

i like how you said uou sucked to You lol it actually sounded like you were pointing it at everybody looking at it

i like how you said uou sucked to You lol it actually sounded like you were pointing it at everybody looking at it
This hurts my brain.

i like how you said uou sucked to You lol it actually sounded like you were pointing it at everybody looking at it
what the forget does this actually mean. i'm having trouble deciphering it.

How do you delete Phanto?

i could easily model the hamcuffs in about 3-4 minutes. it took 13 the first time because i had to come up with the original idea and design as well as decide which colors are good. since its made already, making a carbon copy would take about 5 minutes in blender

once i get my computer back in 2 months ill challenge you to a model off pompmaker- screenshare, timer the whole works
« Last Edit: December 31, 2017, 12:34:34 PM by PhantOS »

the hilighted edges are the remnants of the loving maze of faces that sketchup created on the inside of this super minigun model for no reason except just to forget with me

minigun barrel before i loving saved the world from its terror

minigun barrel after

the 7 triangle rectangle takes the loving cake though jesus christ look at it
all this is also forged evidence

what the forget does this actually mean. i'm having trouble deciphering it.

i have no idea why i posted that at all
it was a weird night

this is the most epic forum beef in history