Author Topic: [NEWS] "Patient dumping" in Baltimore  (Read 7374 times)

grrr those ebil 4channers
hilarious one liner from le cool macho man red spy. can you do any more tricks boy?

hilarious one liner from le cool macho man red spy. can you do any more tricks boy?

i'm not black and or asian so no

what are you going on about

while it's wrong to dump someone out on the street can we not act like this is all the fault of healthcare

while it's wrong to dump someone out on the street can we not act like this is all the fault of healthcare
not alone no, society in the US is just generally "rely on yourself and only yourself"

not alone no, society in the US is just generally "rely on yourself and only yourself"

infinitely better than "have someone else pay for your stuff and work dumb jobs like being a blogger"

if you can't afford healthcare, you should just die tbh

I probably have more community service hours logged than you motherforgeter
who has more if you removed court mandated ones? :cookieMonster:

not alone no, society in the US is just generally "rely on yourself and only yourself"

and this is why we need other people's money

its no coincidence that uneducated people hate the poor

its no coincidence that uneducated people hate the poor

is that why Annoying Orange won

is that why Annoying Orange won
someone escort this libtard out of here

is that why Annoying Orange won

Annoying Orange won because hillary is the world's worst presidential candidate and partially because of effective propaganda