Author Topic: kidalex - record breaking size starfish  (Read 48617 times)

Oh boy a new page.

Lol you mad bro?
get a life
either watch the gamefix podcast or go forget yourself
rat stuff bat stuff dirty 'ol twat, 69 starfishs tied in a knot. Horreeeee lizard stuff

ill rip your head off and stuff down your neck
only reason they do this stuff is cause they so jealous of my ice and my closet full of supreme
youre an inspiration for birth control
this drama super gay
maybe op should try writing a good drama
maybe the forums should just shutdown

Unprovoked Flaming:
alright im fluent in gr8dayhandicap so let me translate all of this
"i finished crying about how i was shoved off my homo high horse so here we go ill make some half assed reply""i wasnt being passive aggressive, i was regurgitating the popular opinion just to be liked more. perhaps i couldve actually come up with my own opinion but thats too risky to do""you are right, i am a fake and obnoxious piece of stuff""i am going to dismiss this post because i have no good comeback (because it is true)""i have to fake being nice to people. in reality i dont give two forgets about making someones day. im just really desperate for friends""i fake being nice to a lot of people, even ones i barely know or dont like, just because i am desperate for friends. i dont like to live this life at all lol""it is one""youve seen me in only bl related discords""you are being kinda stubborn, but you are right, that friend does not exist. it was an excuse for me to cry about being bitchslapped off my high horse""no i dont""this is true, he started to stuff on me in the bcc because i have no reason to be there because i never contribute anything to blockland at all besides handicapped posts on the forums""i want to acknowledge all these posts too, because they all jack me off"

wouldnt be surprised if gfd got banned at this point

give it up

maybe the forums should just shutdown
lol whats wrong with this? it's basiclly something everyone says anyway

FUnny Strawman MS paint comic epic

damn im good

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: February 09, 2018, 12:51:32 PM by Rotondo »

dan seriously stop before you get banned for crossposting

anyways kidalex u ain't funny, go home

"dont feed the trolls"
ya instead of making it known about why what they are doing is bad just ignore it and let them continue to break rules and continue to let it slide

ya instead of making it known about why what they are doing is bad just ignore it and let them continue to break rules and continue to let it slide
recognizing and broadcasting that someone is trolling is entirely different than feeding the troll

ya instead of making it known about why what they are doing is bad just ignore it and let them continue to break rules and continue to let it slide
Report them and move on. They’re seeking attention(good or bad). Stop giving it to them.

recognizing and broadcasting that someone is trolling is entirely different than feeding the troll
Well yea no stuff, the issue is that most of the posters in this thread are taking their bait. It’s almost like 70% of this forum doesn’t know A: what trolling is or B: how to respond to it. Personally I don’t really like them either but do you see me bickering with their sub-tony quality bait and memes? No. Oh they’re raiding your discord? Just ban them. It really isn’t that hard.

Actually, I’m sure the NC reject crew will post some memes in response to this. Please humor me and do your worst! In fact, I’d love for you to demonstrate why many of you were kicked out of Nigerian Cunts in the first place. It’d provide me and some unnamed others a few laughs