Author Topic: Zeustal (Postal) - A loving Idiot  (Read 9765 times)

blocky i hate saying this but postal is smarter than you and is just loving with you at this point

postal posts edds loving address
"muh muh i-its public in-nformation!!!!! you can do it t-too but you probably w-wont because you're not a d-richardhead............"

Look, if you’re honestly worried that people on the internet will find out what city you live in: you’re better off not being on the internet at all.

postal posts edds loving address
"muh muh i-its public in-nformation!!!!! you can do it t-too but you probably w-wont because you're not a d-richardhead............"
I didn't post Edd's address, I posted his city without actually knowing if it was the right one.

I didn't post Edd's address, I posted his city without actually knowing if it was the right one.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>has ip
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>thinks it might not even be the right one

I didn't post Edd's address, I posted his city without actually knowing if it was the right one.
What's the point though? Are you scare him by giving him the city he lives in? I live in motherloving Fort Worth, Texas. Someone come and kill me.

But, why do you have his ip?

sorry for all the >'s i had a stroke

why even post their general location in the first place
hey you gonna respond

What's the point though? Are you scare him by giving him the city he lives in? I live in motherloving Fort Worth, Texas. Someone come and kill me.

But, why do you have his ip?
I had his public IP, you can get anyone's pbulic IP from the server browser on the Blockland website.

Every server has it's public IP in the URL for the page.

it looks like i'm attacking u but pls I'm going after Zeustal ily Ike <3333

I said whoops because he answered the question before your post

Honestly you're right, the situation with Edd was unreasonable on my part.

quote in question

oh, he posted that when I posted mine. alright well that's one thing answered. now for why you're such an unlikeable cunt

oh, he posted that when I posted mine. alright well that's one thing answered. now for why you're such an unlikeable cunt

You shouldn't try to stir things up on a server after you've been asked to stop.

"Blocklander of The Year" everyone.
Bans me for asking "Hey so is Zeustal still not going to let you use the build? I can help"
his only friend is a sociopath.

as expected