Author Topic: Dueling Ranged Weapons [Beta] [Flintlock Pistol]  (Read 14831 times)

why does the pistol and musket have the same reload time?
one does less damage and is less accurate, so why bother with the pistol when you can use the loving rifle instead?

fire musket, miss
equip already loaded pistol, fire again

Pistol reload time is 7.6 seconds, according to the script

   stateName[6]                  = "Reload";
   stateScript[6]                  = "onReload";
   stateTransitionOnTimeout[6]         = "ReloadFinish";
   stateTimeoutValue[6]            = 7.6;
   stateTransitionOnTriggerUp[6]      = "Equip";

while the musket is 12.2 seconds

   stateName[6]                  = "Reload";
   stateScript[6]                  = "onReload";
   stateTransitionOnTimeout[6]         = "ReloadFinish";
   stateTimeoutValue[6]            = 12.2;
   stateTransitionOnTriggerUp[6]      = "Equip";

He probably forgot to edit the copied list of information.

So I got some suggestions.

You could add an option for ironsights instead of a advanced crosshair.

Also an option to carry multiples of these weapons at once. It was common practice to carry about 3-5 loaded flintlock pistols on your person.

And then I guess the next step is to include like an ammo system.

Other than that if you plan on making more I did like some of the crazier weapons from gravity cat. I just wish his weapons had cool reload animations and otherstuff like yours.

Like the fire musket, rocket launcher,  etc
« Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 03:43:40 AM by King Tøny »

I really like the weapons
the balance fits very well with the melee weapon pack

my only issue is that the charging ui is still busted for me
any fixes on this?

I really like the weapons
the balance fits very well with the melee weapon pack

my only issue is that the charging ui is still busted for me
any fixes on this?
what's busted about it?

edit: i probably will throw in a buff for hunting bows since they seem by far the weakest in the pack. may just be a straight damage buff, but increasing projectile velocity might work too in making it feel more effective.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2018, 11:29:54 PM by Conan »

the velocity is fine, but damn the damage is way too weak

Any plans to add a blunderbus and ammo support?

Apparently you can shoot backwards with a bow if you hold the head look button.

Haven't tested it with the other weapons