Author Topic: The Day the Snowflakes Attacked - A YouTube Tragedy  (Read 4900 times)

How about you whip put your head out of your ass and realise no criminal is going to willingly agree to participate in a census.
I'm fairly sure he means that you should do some back-of-the-envelope calculations to figure out exactly how much money a voluntary P2P service would get/need, compared to Youtube.

If 1 in 100 people donated $1, and you have 1 billion users, that's only $10 million you are pulling in a year. 1 in 10 would be $100 million.

Distribute that over a large P2P service and its really not that much. Before Youtube was sold to Google in 2008-9, bandwidth costs were $2 million a month. Youtube has only grown since then, and likely costs at least $10 million a month, probably upwards of $20. that puts Youtube at a loss with this donation system, using the conservative estimate.

And brown townysts themselves approximated that in 2009, Google lost $140 million in the past year. It's really no surprise Google is so worried about keeping ad revenue, considering the growth of the site, both in terms of users and contents, and its significance in modern internet society as well. If it cost that much pre-Google-purchase, it definitely costs way more now, and there's no way anyone can hope to copy the service and stay profitable unless they use similar addictive marketing techniques and video-content moderation.

Careful! MM has a hard time understanding big words- his iq is fragile

Careful Matt you seem to have hurt a lot of forumers feelings

this post is the dumbest loving thing that a human being could create

The funny thing is I'm having a hard time not reading it as you making fun of your own post

School makes you conform, reality makes you smart.
i just want to quote this again because mm obviously failed logic class

Does not taking a class count as failing or passing?

Or would one only know this if one took logic class?

nah, you learn that from ap economics

youtube should get rid of big gaming channels and reviewers and political commentators and stuff

bring back hot doctor pepper

If you like conent like this . Congratulations, you mindless basic bitch, you've finally got the "no hurt feelings" youtube you always wanted.
but you just posted one of the best videos on the site

If you like conent like this ,this or this. Congratulations, you mindless basic bitch, you've finally got the "no hurt feelings" youtube you always wanted.

master matthew is the forgetin millennial uncle tom

master "youtube bad" matthew
stop spouting this loving verbal diarrhea, take your head out of your loving ass and think for 5 seconds. "high iq" my loving ass

Matthew seems to have a thing against "normie millennial" things. These things are mostly harmless, such as the foot lettuce meme and "most satisfying" video compilations. However, I have one question:
What's wrong with Snapchat?

To answer this, we have to break down what Snapchat is, and what it's used for. Snapchat is an app meant for sharing photos with your friends. It's not very engaging, so it's mostly something you look at and use to pass the time. Fairly harmless, right? But what's the one thing you need to actually use Snapchat?
Let's dig a little deeper. What's something you need to enjoy average memes, such as burger king foot lettuce, to their fullest? Friends. Sharing a meme with a friend is often more engaging than looking at memes alone.
So, Matthew, I ask this question as genuinely as possible:

Do you have friends?