Author Topic: when is sebi park season 2 gonna come out  (Read 14296 times)

would anyone upvote an ADRENALINE park?? (please say upvote i need reddit karma)

then explain why you and your butt buddies have sent me a friend request right after you've made it extremely clear that you don't like me
i wanna be steam friends with you nix

I suggest walking away from the thread, nix. there's no winning against someone who triumphs from looking like a complete ditz

I suggest walking away from the thread, nix. there's no winning against someone who triumphs from looking like a complete ditz
is it a crime to want to be friends with nix?????

no??? i posted it because i thought it was cute and the furry thread would appreciate it?

hm i wonder why this happened right after i made my steam profile private :thinking:

coincidentally you're cutting out the part where i sent you many steam friend requests in the past even before you set your own profile to private

no??? i posted it because i thought it was cute and the furry thread would appreciate it?
-nix the glaceon, with the glaceon avatar

You're writhing in denial

-nix the glaceon, with the glaceon avatar
if you have such a problem with my avatar then get the avatar blocking userscript. it's not like having a pokemon as your profile picture is going to cause the apocolypse

would anyone upvote an ADRENALINE park?? (please say upvote i need reddit karma)

what kind of logic...
brother likes pokemon so he posts a pokemon pic.

he must automatically want to forget that pokemon

dont say that loving tribal word around me

if you have such a problem with my avatar then get the avatar blocking userscript. it's not like having a pokemon as your profile picture is going to cause the apocolypse
and here, nix projects his flaws onto others around him in order to seek validation, further justifying his obsessive behavior and victim complex

red spy having "red spy" as his blockland forums username automatically makes him want to forget the red spy by your logic

he must automatically want to forget that pokemon

do we need to bring up the handicapped pictures again

red spy having "red spy" as his blockland forums username automatically makes him want to forget the red spy by your logic

the difference is i don't draw my own loving tf2 oc and post research of the spy. get a grip monday

red spy having "red spy" as his blockland forums username automatically makes him want to forget the red spy by your logic
no but if he constantly posts pictures of crudely drawn red spies and gets defensive the moment someone mentions that he's going overboard, then you'd know he has a problem

Once again projecting your insecurity on to others. You literally cannot admit you're wrong, can you? You'll just find something else, like a semantic or an anecdote to deflect attention to, rather than make any attempt to improve