
if the did you join in the walkout

I didn't know about it

Author Topic: did you participate in the walkout/walk for our lives  (Read 12133 times)

just participated. was kinda cool

for those of you who don't know the march for our lives is a protest for gun right or something to stop school shootings. it happened today at 10am nationwide people walked out of their school for 7 minutes

did you participate?

That'll stop the meanies from rooty tooty point and shooting up your schools.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2018, 02:09:19 PM by Master Matthew² »

man matthew you sure know how to start a topic off right

nah bc i think it's stupid to participate in a walkout or protest without doing real research into what im protesting

Yeah, I did.
A news crew showed up.

If I was still in high school I wouldn't have walked out.

The only thing that's going to stop these shootings is getting rid of the real issue.
It isn't guns, we've had similar gun technology for nearly half a century, yet we
only had these shootings recently.

It isn't because we didn't arm the teachers and train them for similar reasons.

Murderers don't become murderers because guns exist, they become murderers
because they cannot deal with the reality around them.

Probably because they always got a trophy but then the real world came and they stopped
getting participation trophies.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2018, 02:09:00 PM by Master Matthew² »

If I was still in high school I wouldn't have walked out.

The only thing that's going to stop these shootings is getting rid of the real issue.
It isn't guns, we've had similar gun technology for nearly half a century, yet we
only had these shootings recently.

It isn't because we didn't arm the teachers and train them for similar reasons.

Murderers don't become murderers because guns exist, they become murderers
because they cannot deal with the reality around them.

Probably because they always got a trophy but then the real world came and they stopped
getting participation trophies.
Yes, but guns only make it easier for them to become murderers.

In protest of Violence and Bad things I'm starting a new movement, the "go home 1 hour early protest"

Yes, but guns only make it easier to be murderers.

Yeah, so then why would you make it so that only the government should have them?

Taking away the guns is only treating a symptom and not curing the problem.

Some of the most deadly attacks on american soil had not one bullet shot or a gun used at all.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2018, 02:08:32 PM by Master Matthew² »

hey atleast the protest got the awareness of thousands of students across america about their political goals. I don't think  the blockland forums will get your opinions much attention

Yeah, so then why would you make it so that only the government should have them?

Taking away the guns is only treating a symptom and not curing the problem.

Some of the most deadly attacks on american soil had not one bullet shot or a gun used at all.

I don't think that ALL guns should be taken away, but I don't think civilians and police officers need assault rifles and smgs for basic self defense.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2018, 12:03:35 PM by Outland Predator »

hey atleast the protest got the awareness of thousands of students across america about their political goals. I don't think  the blockland forums will get your opinions much attention

Do they even know what they're political goals are?
Or did they get told they should do it by the school staff.

When I was in elementary school, my school gathered us for an assembly meeting in our gym.
Here they explained to us on why we should go home and convince our parents, family, anyone
over the age of 18 to go out and vote for Obama, of course only focusing on simple things that children could
understand. "It's right because it's progressive" was a very strong push of this mindset.
This was no doubt illegal, but they got away with it, because it was the "right" opinion.

Using Children to instill guilt for wrong think, of course I fell right for it, because I was only 9 years old.

« Last Edit: March 14, 2018, 02:07:33 PM by Master Matthew² »

No but I wouldn't participate since I'm not anti-gun

Do they even know what they're political goals are?
Or did they get told they should do it by the school staff.
I did a 30 second search and TIME summed upped the goals pretty fast: https://www.google.com/amp/amp.timeinc.net/time/5195960/national-school-walkout-march-14

and I have no idea what stuff your pulling from your ass but it was quite the contrary. staff were advising us not to go out

I don't think that ALL guns should be taken away, but I don't think civilians and police officers need assault rifles and smgs.

“To Conquer a Nation, First Disarm its Citizens”
This is a mindset that Riddler held strong, albeit only for "Non-aryans"
but to Riddler "Aryans" might as well have already been a part of his military.

It's easy to stomp on those without power, and every time there is a shooting, there is an attempt to grab some more of the gun rights.

A solution strongy held by democrats.
A problem caused by democrats in their "everyone wins a trophy" mindset.

This is a game to slowly take away rights and cause another Venezuela situation.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2018, 02:08:11 PM by Master Matthew² »