
if the did you join in the walkout

I didn't know about it

Author Topic: did you participate in the walkout/walk for our lives  (Read 12136 times)

no, but i did get the misfortune of being stuck in traffic thanks to a swarm of them endlessly walking through the crosswalk forever

dude they're like 8-9 lbs
without ammo yea but i meant more it's shape than weight

without ammo yea but i meant more it's shape than weight
That's the weight with ammo lol

why isn't there as many shootouts at universities? I'm guessing it's because the campus actually hires security. im not saying more security is the exact answer but like nmmmm

why isn't there as many shootouts at universities? I'm guessing it's because the campus actually hires security. im not saying more security is the exact answer but like nmmmm
probably not. Having more security guards won't stop shootouts from happening, it just makes it so if one breaks out it can be ended quickly

probably not. Having more security guards won't stop shootouts from happening, it just makes it so if one breaks out it can be ended quickly

That doesn't answer his question. Why aren't there as many shootings university's?

Yea me and girl organized it at our school and got 150-200 people to organize in a circle outside the main office. Pretty good turnout considering the school has a relatively low number of students and ~400 were taking the Pre-ACT. We made the news on a few channels

That doesn't answer his question. Why aren't there as many shootings university's?
because by the time college rolls around most of these shooter types already outgrew their edgy phase

because by the time college rolls around most of these shooter types already outgrew their edgy phase
and if some nerd is gonna shoot up the school their roommate is prolly gonna snitch

Commies trying to take our rights away. Just start your civil war already so our side can end it within 5 minutes.

I saw the last post here was from Bisjac so I came right away.
I was not disappointed.

i don't like school shooting as much as the other guy but damn bro i just wanna shoot guns n stuff

got 150-200 people to organize in a circle outside the main office.
wtf not smart. haven't u played fortnite bro? standing out in the open that long dude ur just an easy target for enemy to shoot at.

i bet about 5% of the people were actually protesting and 95% of them were probably thinking 'holy stuff i can just walk out of school with no repercussions'

Our school's walkout was to remember the victims. If I knew it was about gun control I probably wouldn't have contributed.