Author Topic: red spy, the biggest bitch of the entire universe  (Read 17617 times)

Im at school right now, so once i get the chance to change my pfp i will do it because all of you are narcissistic starfishs.

its worse

so by that logic the thread derailed as soon as you made it because the whole thread is either you complaining about red spy and acting like an idiot or talking about something that isn't even related to the topic you made
Oh mama.

red spy is litterally the biggest cunt i've ever seen. he's a roostersucking starfish that does nothing but rely on making fun of people who just try to have fun and make stuff for a living, especially me.

i dont like redspy either but using 4th grade level insults wont get a point across very well and just makes you look whiny, you could atleast be calmer about it.

when he first joined, he started out as an innocent little scamp, judging by the first few posts at the last page on his profile. but as time went on, he became brattier and brattier and brattier and loving brattier, to the point that hes just a loving wanker who makes fun of people for no loving reason, especially weaboos like me (though pomp is the only one who hes ever treated fairly, forget knows what for).

yeah i'm pretty sure everyone started out somewhat innocent around here including you, its not like people can just get comfortable with being a richard from time to time (or maybe all the time) or perhaps its just sarcasm or a joke you take way too seriously.

its also funny that you would bring up pomp aka the one person who has tried to help you and be nice to you, yet you always seem to either reject what pomp says or just downright ignore the advice even though you say you took it. the wording of this makes me believe you are jealous that pomp gets respect while you dont.

this i think might of been the first post that started his 3-year long craze of being an ass.

first off nice image name, second off it took him years to be known as an ass while it took you only a few months

chapter 2: my experience with the bitch

I started making content for blockland by making simple little decals and faces, since i didnt know anything about TorqueShapes or anything else.

But one post i made was in 2016, on my first account (which got perma-banned obvs, thank god i still had the bl_id from when i bought the game in 2012) and it was decals of two characters from the japanese manga/anime series, Doraemon, which is my absolute favorite obscure franchise ever and i wanted to spread awareness. but when i posted the thread, this resulted in numerous jokes which i couldnt understand. i didnt even know that the whole "Doraemon is from Iraq" thing was supposed to be a joke until some pointed it out. i tried countless times to get them to stop, but they wouldnt.

remember earlier when i said everyone starts out innocent? because this just shows you were at that point as well since you didnt get a joke and took it seriously. i get that its a series you like but since almost nobody here even knows about it or even cares and the fact the decals were lowish quality i wouldnt expect them to be well received.  

red spy was one of the founders of this stuffty loving craze. he was being the most disgraceful cunt i ever met, right on top of kidalex90. god damn.

"this guy made a joke i didnt get that make him a horrible person"

chapter 3: the bitch needs to stop!

this bitch seriously needs to have consideration for my opinion and motor skills. not just me, but everybody else he's ever trolled. he's been a richard for the past 3 years hes been on this forum and i want him to stop. he is litterally the biggest bitch in the entire universe. hes a wanker. enough said.

its upsetting that you call out people for not taking into consideration your opinions yet every time someone says an opinion about you or anything you do, even when they try to help you and give advice, you dont do the one thing you're asking red to do which is have consideration.

i feel like i might be a little too harsh or might be skipping over something but i hope i at least pointed something out that you were ignoring before.

obligatory post since someone mentioned me

yes zach, red spy is an ass, but you are as much of if not more of an ass for responding to trolls and continuously derailing your own topic by responding to posts about which anime is superior instead of the drama at hand

by your own hands you have turned this topic from a red spy drama to a homoerotic richard measuring contest over who has the best tv show
and the sad thing is that you do this every time someone even mentions any kind of tv show around you

seriously, i get that you have autism and can't understand sarcasm and jokes, but in that case can you just have a mental filter to not respond to stuff that's not on topic
I myself have an autistic friend and my brother is slightly autistic, so i know that autists can in fact control what they respond to, don't use your illness as a crutch excuse for your behaviour

can you draw doraemon dabbing on red spy

Honestly i'm disappointed in you Zach, you had so much potential to you and you forgeted it

you physically refuse to accept any advice and you have your head too deep in your ass to even listen to it, you're 13 years old and theres people here who are younger then you yet they still have some form of respect towards other people and their own preferences without getting so deep into it. when it comes to people critiquing your posts and people actually giving you decent advice you refuse it

if you think im pulling this out of my cold tight ass here you go

How does that make you look? if you wanted to get a job in a sector such as video game designing and stuff like that, how does that make you look?  instead you pull the irrelevant reference from the shows you watch thats not gonna get you nowhere in the big world Zach hell I do have to say your first few mods was actually decent to some form

you'll need to know Zach the blockland forums is not a happy wonderland people are not gonna like your mods and you have no right to have a massive pissy fit like you have here: it's just a massive uncoordinated piece of stuff 

what did u expect from a meme that took me 2 minutes
why post it?

all of you are narcissistic starfishs.
Honestly you did this to yourself. Don't blame us

>Blocks people he doesn't like cause they're mean

>Dramas them for saying mean stuff even though he 'blocked' them

Come back in 3 years or so please Zach

Stand a Pokemon next to a kirby character and you will see why in less than 5 seconds.