Author Topic: Why does American chocolate taste like vomit?  (Read 4658 times)

excuse me friend by "American chocolate" do you also mean 100 grand??? that stuff is better than any other chocolate you'll ever eat

Why does american taste like vomit?

yall eat something called "blood sausage" so you can suck my entire ass

It's part of the defattening plan, they're trying to curb everyone's sugar intake by making candy taste like crap

There are so many chocolate brands, many that exist both in the EU and US. If you didn't shop in the generic garbage isle at a gas station, you'd find that there's plenty of really good chocolate.

idk i like the hershey's cookies and creme bars

but haigh's is the best chocolate

dove milk chocolate is common enough at any convenience store and its real chocolate and its awesome.

what i really care about is america's lack of bread culture

sure some cities have decent bakeries but the most prevalent american breadloaf is by far that dumb loving presliced toasterbread that's only good in a sandwich or toasted with butter

dove and ghirardelli are best commoner chocolates. hersheys chocolate has the same texture as wet sand.

top tier american chocolate from from see's candies tho

hershey's is just chocolate flavored sugar juice

u need the good stuff
like Ghirardelli and godiva

Cadbury tastes pretty good imo

american chocolate is an acquired taste. then again all are inferior to dark chocolate