Opinions on Brickadia

Author Topic: Opinions on Brickadia  (Read 25939 times)

not a fan of brickadia so far considering how elitist they've tried to be about the development however im interested to see the finished product

not against this game anymore

turns out they have terrain

I haven't been following development but I really hope at least one of these Blockland rip-offs succeeds. We desperately need an updated, Unity-based version of BL.
May the odds be ever in your favor

Sorry to disappoint you but brickadia is made in game maker not unity

I haven't been following development but I really hope at least one of these Blockland rip-offs succeeds. We desperately need an updated, Unity-based version of BL.
May the odds be ever in your favor
Block Party uses Unity, while Brickadia uses Unreal.

Block Party uses Unity, while Brickadia uses Unreal.

Oh I just assumed it was Unity as well. In that case I'll probably be rooting more for Block Party, but at this point I just want something. Anything.

Yeah the devs are all very arrogant so idk man

I can attest to that too. The devs are greedy arrogant narcissists. They think they're so much better than everyone else, making quality content essentially for free and working really hard to deliver a well made building experience. They also have these thinks called 'dev meetings' or whatever which is their exclusive club that they don't invite people to and then lord over others about how it went... It's always "here's the new features we're adding" and "that's a good suggestion thank you we'll consider it". Such richards! How come I wasn't invited? They really are arrogant

Ugh I can't stand em. Someone ought to teach them their place
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 09:14:25 AM by thegoodperry »

lol what
You’re literally kissing their asses at this point thinking you’re hot stuff over a stupid key of course you wouldn’t think they’re arrogant.

You’re literally kissing their asses at this point thinking you’re hot stuff over a stupid key of course you wouldn’t think they’re arrogant.
why are you such a whiny bitch
seriously what the forget is up your ass

You’re literally kissing their asses at this point thinking you’re hot stuff over a stupid key of course you wouldn’t think they’re arrogant.
what makes them so arrogant, the fact that they let trustworthy users test their incredibly important and fragile project as opposed to people who could potentially (and probably already have) leak or disrupt their development
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 09:40:42 AM by thegoodperry »