Author Topic: [NEWS] [autism warning] Furcigarette exposed for being a dogforgeter+  (Read 22408 times)

the circular logic here is that you're not wasting your time, or if you are it's not important while also trying to imply that im wasting my time responding to you

if you feel like this is a good investment of your time, that speaks for itself - im just gonna keep giving you stuff for it because its infinitely more interesting than watching your garbage fire of a roast

By the way, i can't be bothered to watch video in the OP, is this guy even a furry? Or was "furcigarette" added to the title just because of biases and the fact that the guy raped a dead dog?

the fact you're all getting so personally offended over me making fun of you over this is telling, if it was all just a half-assed attempt to make fun of furries y'all would have moved on by now

if you feel personally attacked because i implied you're wasting your time, maybe you have wasted your time and some part of your brain is desperately trying to force you to rerail your attention towards more important things

who's getting worked up here? some of us like to hear and laugh about certain individuals in certain fandoms that act like degenerates it's obviously going to genrate discussion but oh well big brained ike no like fun.

who's getting worked up here? some of us like to hear and laugh about certain individuals in certain fandoms that act like degenerates it's obviously going to genrate discussion but oh well big brained ike no like fun.
The fact that you and GreenBH feel the need to constantly defend yourselves against Ike show that you two are clearly the more worked up and offended

By the way, i can't be bothered to watch video in the OP, is this guy even a furry? Or was "furcigarette" added to the title just because of biases and the fact that the guy raped a dead dog?

From what one of my friends told me, the dude was involved in the fandom but got ousted and ostracized after this came to light. AFAIK the dude had his own sick little circles of dog rapists but that was largely disconnected from the furry fandom.

who's getting worked up here?

you, considering you're still posting here. both you and greenbh are on the defense and you can't even bother to come up with any sort of attack against me... this leads me to believe that you don't even see yourself as in the right, just that im unfairly picking on you for trying to 'have your fun'

who's getting worked up here? some of us like to hear and laugh about certain individuals in certain fandoms that act like degenerates it's obviously going to genrate discussion but oh well big brained ike no like fun.
sue me for liking to hear and laugh at people spending their life epicly owning the libtard furries

By the way, i can't be bothered to watch video in the OP, is this guy even a furry? Or was "furcigarette" added to the title just because of biases and the fact that the guy raped a dead dog?

the video is not by the pooch-screwer. it's metokur restating everything that has happened. the person I'm calling a furcigarette is the pooch-screwer.

sue me for liking to hear and laugh at people spending their life epicly owning the libtard furries

wrong account matthew

>picking on furries

Seriously, who are you guys trying to impress here?

>thread is about furries that forget disembodied puppy skulls
>bitching about people making fun of furries

you guys are a bunch of the whiniest pissbaby forgets I've ever seen, grow a pair you pansy

Also I get subtly implying I'm a furry apologist here is really epic and all, it's just that the whole "Yiff in hell furcigarettes" shtick is a little old hat considering we went through those motions ten loving years ago. Back then it made sense because furries were trying to get in everywhere and they constantly started stuff, but that has since changed. Maybe it's being presumptuous on my part but the only reason I can see why you'd be this interested in giving furries the what-for is because you think it'll impress your peers or because you have an even more personal stake in the matter, and in both cases you're just largely wasting your time because nobody truly cares enough about furries anymore.

In shorthand, I'm calling you all newcigarettes, wisen the forget up

>thread is about furries that forget disembodied puppy skulls
>bitching about people making fun of furries

you guys are a bunch of the whiniest pissbaby forgets I've ever seen, grow a pair you pansy

Dude you're the biggest pansy on the forum, the goddamn bronies had more personal conviction than you do

lol what

ok libtard........

Also I get subtly implying I'm a furry apologist here is really epic and all, it's just that the whole "Yiff in hell furcigarettes" shtick is a little old hat considering we went through those motions ten loving years ago. Back then it made sense because furries were trying to get in everywhere and they constantly started stuff, but that has since changed. Maybe it's being presumptuous on my part but the only reason I can see why you'd be this interested in giving furries the what-for is because you think it'll impress your peers or because you have an even more personal stake in the matter, and in both cases you're just largely wasting your time because nobody truly cares enough about furries anymore.

In shorthand, I'm calling you all newcigarettes, wisen the forget up

personal stake. not trying to impress anybody, I just have a very strong distaste socializing with most furries. the ones I don't mind talking to are the ones that don't put it first.

The problem arises that furries are pretty harmless these days and keep to themselves about it already, if you don't want to socialize with furries, this is entirely possible and more than likely. I get the whole distaste considering how loveual the fandom is, but picking fights with furries doesn't really do anything except getting into a habit of being argumentative with people who would like nothing more than to Be Doing Something Else

Plus, you gotta understand the irony of not wanting to interact with furries while also posting a topic about furries.

>thread is about furries that forget disembodied puppy skulls
who'm'st've'y'ain't the forget said this

exactly, no one

who'm'st've'y'ain't the forget said this

exactly, no one

watch the video dipstuff

who'm'st've'y'ain't the forget said this

exactly, no one

watch the video man