Author Topic: Make an argument against incest that isn't religious.  (Read 5950 times)

Relationships that dont result in kids, it's harder to say
And i don't think anyone here is giving a good answer either.
"Incest is immoral" "Incest is unnatural" but that's not an answer, that's just restating the question: why is it immoral/unnatural

Morals are subjective, but that doesn't mean morals don't exist.

Likewise higher prevalence of genetic immunity and good traits
If your selectively breeding for them, sure. But it's not going to happen on its own.

from a biological standpoint rape is a superior reproduction strategy. morals are arbitrary. saying incest is immoral is literally a baseless argument because morals are subjective and don't actually exist. is it immoral in the united states? how about in africa? middle east? rather than get some specific sociology answer for each you just say forget it and realize that morals don't exist.

incest is unnatural. but it's one unnatural behavior that composes the thousands of unnatural behaviors humans exhibit. it's also probably the least damaging of all of them. other unnatural behavior includes alcohol consumption, overeating, and Self Delete
I'm not saying morality in the context of human beings is objective, but you can absolutely make an evolutionary argument that no, incest is immoral and undesirable. It results in bad biological results, therefore that influences our perception that it's bad. Biology doesn't make morality objective, but it does influence it and you can say no, this is a bad decision to make in that context.

And your point of rape is not so simple. One could make the argument that human empathy has evolved, which fuels society to make laws against rape.

Likewise higher prevalence of genetic immunity and good traits
How does incest produce a higher prevalence of good traits? The cons greatly outweigh the benefits.

And i don't think anyone here is giving a good answer either.
"Incest is immoral" "Incest is unnatural" but that's not an answer, that's just restating the question: why is it immoral/unnatural
Biologically, two sets of genes mating that come from the same parents is beyond dangerous for offspring.

It makes perfect sense why human beings have evolved to show disgust towards incest...

...Morality partially stems from evolution and biology. There are legitimate moral grievances to be had.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2018, 11:32:24 PM by Acerblock »

this is if we're talking to someone here who wants to have an honest discussion tho

No I will not have kids, so it won't matter. We're just two people that love eachother.
way to ruin the name PK Fire.

may I remind y'all about the House of Habsburg

this is a chart of a spanish royal family so inbred that their final king couldn't continue the family tree because he was infertile, and so ugly no one wanted to forget him anyways.
he also barely learned to read and write, didn't get a formal education, and drooled everywhere.

i mean without moral bias and looking at it with a black and white perspective, it honestly only comes down to two consenting adults (unless there isnt consent but that's a whole different issue)

adding morality to the equation, it's one of those things that are just inherently and utterly disgusting and we dont even know why. like we know it's because it's literally family, but why?
like one day in our societal development we were just like "ew no lets not do this anymore" when before, marrying cousins was pretty normal. though that statement's obviously not taking into account the actual disgust that people may have felt towards it, since it was a while ago. that and society probably found out the dangers and problems that incest causes.

and if you add in biology, incest is definitely NOT okay whatsoever especially for reproduction purposes

at the end of the day, it's not really my business. not gonna defend it or condemn it especially if it's consensual and not an abusive kind of thing. i guess my stance is do what you want but make sure no harm comes from it and be ready to potentially face serious consequences for your actions

reproductive drawbacks don't seem to fully explain the problem, though. if that were the only issue, then why would there be legal/social reprimands for relationships with legal relatives acquired via marriage, ie in-laws and step-family? there has to be more to the stigma than biological factors, right?

reproductive drawbacks don't seem to fully explain the problem, though. if that were the only issue, then why would there be legal/social reprimands for relationships with legal relatives acquired via marriage, ie in-laws and step-family? there has to be more to the stigma than biological factors, right?
i think acerblock put it nicely

Um, it's abusive in the fact that family members have a certain tradition of closeness and bond both physically and mentally that you can easily exploit. You're not giving your family members a proper experience in the dating scene.

this is a chart of a spanish royal family so inbred that their final king couldn't continue the family tree because he was infertile, and so ugly no one wanted to forget him anyways.
he also barely learned to read and write, didn't get a formal education, and drooled everywhere.
maybe they just had a run of really bad painters

to almost every right minded human it is morally wrong and disgusting

Holy stuff, this dude is Autism HQ.

First, he's defending a dogforgeter, next, he's saying incest is the best. What doesn't this guy support? Rape?

alright this is forgeted up

dude claim's he's 14. he's 14 and involved in incest. this dude needs help or something

Scratch that. I'm gonna take a wild guess that this might be bait. Account was registered in 2014 and hasn't posted until now; probably hijacked from an easy to guess password. I'd say don't interact and don't give him what he wants. He's pulling a pie crust.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 10:52:46 AM by GreenBH³ »

forget mondays not sisters