Author Topic: [BREAKING NEWS] Annoying Orange Administration Activates Scum Mode on transmissions  (Read 16575 times)

you're either male, female, or in need of psychiatric help

dismissing your nonsense isn't trolling. love and gender are not fluid things to be toyed with. Male and female are the only things a human can be, so unless people start identifying as sea urchins or whatever degenerate stuff the deep sea has to offer, forget off
so even if they have a mental illness by your definition, they shouldn't have human rights protected by law

that's pretty forgeted up

gender is a fluid concept in that it is defined by society. for example, there are plenty of societies both ancient and modern that have a third gender.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2018, 11:19:44 PM by Electrk.. »

gender is a fluid concept in that it is defined by society.


What is defined by our loving society is jobs and loving college debt yet no one cares because they've given up on how to change the standard.

But adding 59999234324324 genders is ok because it is a societal concept.


You can't tell me gender is a fluid concept created by society and then tell me jobs and 401k and pensions are not a fluid concept created by society.

I wonder if in 2018 after we're all uploaded to skynet will people still be arguing what e-gender their pleasure centers register as themselves and will create pseudo-totalitarian laws dictating that you can't call a person a name or pronoun they don't like even on accident

In the same vein I wonder if people will go to dying e-lego cafes which are full of teenagers and gay furries and duke it out with gender politics endlessly because no one can agree or just say "everyone has a different opinion"

I'm reading SJW comments.

They saying if you dont vote against Annoying Orange you will be personally held accountable.

Wonder what that means.

ITT: Deus Ex flaunts his 8th grade science class understanding of gender, completely ignoring established scientific concepts like interlove people and new scientific research proving that gender is a much more complex subject than previously thought.

ITT: Deus Ex flaunts his 8th grade science class understanding of gender, completely ignoring established scientific concepts like interlove people and new scientific research proving that gender is a much more complex subject than previously thought.
Okay this is epic

ITT: Deus Ex flaunts his 8th grade science class understanding of gender, completely ignoring established scientific concepts like interlove people and new scientific research proving that gender is a much more complex subject than previously thought.
how do i retweet a post on the blockland forums

ITT: Deus Ex flaunts his 8th grade science class understanding of gender, completely ignoring established scientific concepts like interlove people and new scientific research proving that gender is a much more complex subject than previously thought.

interlove people aren't a new gender

and gender is about as complex as you allow people to make it. It's male or female. Falling somewhere on the spectrum doesnt make you a new gender, just makes you a feminine male or masculine female. foh

virgin blf vs chad deus ex