
Who sent the packages?

King Tony
31 (56.4%)
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Deus Ex
9 (16.4%)
Sephiroth Reincarnate
5 (9.1%)
10 (18.2%)

Total Members Voted: 55

Author Topic: [NEWS] Pipe Bombs sent to multiple democrats including the Obamas and CNN  (Read 5592 times)

There was a suspicious package delivered to LA Times, probably related.

False flag attack by some dipstuff antifa type is more likely than a right wing terrorist plot.

right-wing terrorism/terrorist plots is not an uncommon thing lmao
« Last Edit: October 25, 2018, 02:41:44 PM by Electrk.. »

right-wing terrorism/terrorist plots is not an uncommon thing lmao

Did I say right-wing terrorism doesn't exist or did I say it's unlikely

And point to the right-wing terrorism in the last 2 years in comparison to left-wing terrorism, and feel free to shut the forget up when you find the latter happens far more consistently than the former, thanks

when left-wingers commit violence they tip over trash cans and hit people with bike locks. when right-wingers commit violence they drive trucks through crowds of muslims and shoot up black churches.

when left-wingers commit violence they tip over trash cans and hit people with bike locks. when right-wingers commit violence they drive trucks through crowds of muslims and shoot up black churches.

Hit people with bike locks, put them into comas, destroy thousands of dollars worth of property, set fire to Republican campaign offices, get them fired from their jobs, mug and beat random people, block traffic from going to work

Oh, point to the time when a right-winger drove a truck through a crowd of Muslims, let's have that argument. I can point to the numerous crowds of people Muslims have drove through as well. And black CHURCHES? It was two. You say this like it's a common occurrence. Left wing Antifa groups do damage all the god damn time and you just wanna downplay it. You say this stuff like the things left-wingers do isn't just as reprehensible. Stop making excuses you little friend. Own up to the stuff your side does instead of trying to downplay it with some bullstuff. Smfh

deus ex is trying really hard here lmfao

there has been more right-wing political violence than jihadi or left-wing since 9/11

also I love how you included "get them fired from their jobs" and "block traffic from going to work" as examples of left-wing violence

there has been more right-wing political violence than jihadi or left-wing since 9/11

also I love how you included "get them fired from their jobs" and "block traffic from going to work" as examples of left-wing violence

I don't give a forget about 9/11 I said in the past two loving years

Good job deflecting everything though, brainlet ass brother

For you to say there's been more right-wing political violence than JIHADI is loving ridiculous and insanely Amerocentric of you. Let's just ignore all the stuff that happens in Europe and the Middle East and Africa because it doesn't happen here. To even make the claim shows you're a dipstuff.

There's isolated incidents of right wingers committing domestic terrorism but left-wingers have been doing it consistently since 2016 and you want to ignore it because it doesn't fit with your smoovebrain narrative

I don't give a forget about 9/11 I said in the past two loving years

Good job deflecting everything though, brainlet ass brother

For you to say there's been more right-wing political violence than JIHADI is loving ridiculous and insanely Amerocentric of you. Let's just ignore all the stuff that happens in Europe and the Middle East and Africa because it doesn't happen here. To even make the claim shows you're a dipstuff.

There's isolated incidents of right wingers committing domestic terrorism but left-wingers have been doing it consistently since 2016 and you want to ignore it because it doesn't fit with your smoovebrain narrative

olympic goalpost moving

For you to say there's been more right-wing political violence than JIHADI is loving ridiculous and insanely Amerocentric of you. Let's just ignore all the stuff that happens in Europe and the Middle East and Africa because it doesn't happen here. To even make the claim shows you're a dipstuff.

There's isolated incidents of right wingers committing domestic terrorism but left-wingers have been doing it consistently since 2016 and you want to ignore it because it doesn't fit with your smoovebrain narrative

oh so now you care about amerocentrism lmao ok dude

and where did I ignore left-wing violence?

Turned out to all be fake.

Such a leftist move lol. They will lose a lot of seats in few weeks.

oh so now you care about amerocentrism lmao ok dude

and where did I ignore left-wing violence?

"Right wing terrorism happens way more than Jihadi and left wing"

peabrain can't even remember the words he types

stating the fact that right-wing political violence happens more is not ignoring left-wing violence

stating the fact that right-wing political violence happens more is not ignoring left-wing violence

Repeating bullstuff doesn't make it less bullstuff

it's a fact baby boy sorry it upsets you