Author Topic: pride decade 202x thread  (Read 123918 times)

Smoke and mirrors for the simulation dude. Remove yourself from the college thought construct and actually go talk to a real person in real life.
yeah i'll go talk to mr and mrs white down the road that sell me strawberries and they will harp on about how obama is satan very informative and checkable

No its more like, I'm not going take any evidence at face value cause p much every time I click on some "scientific" bullstuff the methodology is forgeted from the jump

Like you don't need to be a scientist to know some research is bunk based solely on the figures (1 in 5 women get raped in college, wage gap bullstuff, etc etc)

Another example, unrelated to here: some handicap on reddit tried to link me to this research saying owing a gun made you more likely to be shot. Upon immediate inspection I noticed several things: these shootings took place in Philadelphia, there was a total of 300ish shootings, and yet they tried to apply this model to the rest of the states. handicaps just google "i am right dot com" and take the first thing they can to confirm their bias. It's why I don't bother linking anything anymore myself. What would be the point? You can just as easily find data that contradicts what I sent. Because it's all probably bullstuff on some level, because the scientific community is forgeted to hell and back with politics, just like everything else!
this reeks of someone whos never written a paper in their life, of course data contradicts itself, this is why methodology and transparency is important. YOU CAN READ WHAT THE PERSON DID

I rely on something called: scientific concensus

scientific consensus is achieved by doing a meta-brown townysis of a bunch of papers related to what you are investigating (sometimes hundreds of thousands of data points). This uses stats to verify and find out what the data signifies, normally it points to some trend or correlation. So you brown townyze all of the data available and you can come to a conclusion of what actually is happening based on a margin of error. The entire point of what i'm saying is that meta-brown townyses are waaaay more credible than just random data from x articles because it's an amalgamation of literally hundreds of papers worth.

The way you are presenting it is like if you can't trust the scientific method or anything related to science because your omega brain just google searched something and got a different result. Which is blatantly untrue and is a loving stupid way to look at the world

I've written plenty of papers

All of them As

also lol

deus ex outs himself as anti intellectual in a single post

you’re literally saying the science well is poisoned so nothing can be taken at face value. then what can be taken at face value? scientific articles you agree with, or on topics you dont care about? all of them? or none at all?

I'm not anti-intellectual I'm anti-appealtoauthority
Literally nothing can be taken at face value

I trust my own eyes an sensibilities before any dipstuff scientist trying to look cute with stuff you can't really quantify

what i seem to be getting from deus ex is that he has a problem with the interpretation of the data, which is a completely valid concern because a forgetton of research is interpreted wrongly and this is a thing that happens so much I get annoyed by it too

but this doesn't remove the validity of the data points presented to us, and all you (deus ex or anyone else can do) is present why the other person incorrectly interpreted the data points they are presenting. but deus has never done this to counter my arguments, I'd love for him to do so
Anti-intellectual, peer-review, scientific community, verified papers, medical professionals, do you people actually live in the real world or do you eat, stuff, think, breathe, sleep college campus?

It's all the same forgetin' vehicle for propaganda guys. Plug out of the matrix for a second.

Hey it'd be a start over the actual loving android replicants that generate all this 'intellectual' drivel. You speak poorly on anecdotal evidence but you know where it comes from? Real life experiences.
dude you can complain about big words all you want, you literally wouldn't be posting if those words didn't mean something because the internet and computers came out of scientific research

I'm not anti-intellectual I'm anti-appealtoauthority
Literally nothing can be taken at face value

I trust my own eyes an sensibilities before any dipstuff scientist trying to look cute with stuff you can't really quantify
then dive into the papers i present and tell me why they are wrong I would love to argue with you about the validity of the research and go back and forth on this, thats a fruitful conversation to have

what i seem to be getting from deus ex is that he has a problem with the interpretation of the data, which is a completely valid concern because a forgetton of research is interpreted wrongly and this is a thing that happens so much I get annoyed by it too

but this doesn't remove the validity of the data points presented to us, and all you (deus ex or anyone else can do) is present why the other person incorrectly interpreted the data points they are presenting. but deus has never done this to counter my arguments, I'd love for him to do so

Data is just data, yes, interpretation is the issue

It's like when someone sees the figure of women that are homeless (25%) and determines that hey, this a serious issue for women...ignoring the 75% that are men. The interpretation is always forgeted, and that's why linking to articles about how right you are is a pointless endeavor


99% of trans people will never pass. They don't have the money. You see people flaunt these Brazilian trans models like hey look! it can be done! Yeah? How much did those procedures cost him? Bet he still has to tuck in his rooster when he walks on the stage. FOH lol

fat and muscle redistribution won't get rid of the natural curvature of your bone structure, it'll wont change your jawline, your voice will still contain just enough twinge to come off as feminine (haven't seen a single transman that doesn't sound like a chick) and what're you gonna do then? Sew up your cunt? lol this is just sad man come on
you don't need money to pass lmao i get called "sir" in public and all i've got is a haircut and rectangular glasses

fun fact: bone structure is covered by muscles and fat
fat is what's responsible for 90% of "feminine jawline" so ... fat redistribution basically does change jawline.
do some of these men still look feminine? yes; but most of them are unarguably men. except that one blond dude way on the left idk whats up with him

feminine/masculine quality of voice is mostly dictated by tone and not pitch.
here's some trans men with masculine voices:

here's an explanation of tone and why voices sound masculine:

also what the forget so many replies while i was typing this

I'm not complaining about the existence of sesquipedalian language, just that it's being used to sell garbage to mentally disadvantaged people for massive profit at their expense.
then prove to me why the forget you believe this, you haven't presented a single shred of evidence
Data is just data, yes, interpretation is the issue

It's like when someone sees the figure of women that are homeless (25%) and determines that hey, this a serious issue for women...ignoring the 75% that are men. The interpretation is always forgeted, and that's why linking to articles about how right you are is a pointless endeavor
the articles i link always provide a link to the papers they are referencing, would you prefer for me to directly cite papers in the future?

lol nick why are you even trying

you don't need money to pass lmao i get called "sir" in public and all i've got is a haircut and rectangular glasses

Good job outing yourself as a Milo Stewart type

Literally just means you're straddling the fence bc of your facial structure, nothing to do w/ any kind of transitioning you did yourself

Well how can I lol? You're asking for 'evidence', a concept derived from a system of systems that's actively working against me. It's like trying to fit the square peg in the triangle hole. You won't accept other people's experiences as 'evidence' and any attempt to present them to you is 'anti-intellectual'. You'll just have to go seek the truth yourself if you can bring yourself to challenge your paradigm.
it doesn't have to be scientific evidence in the form of papers

it could be anything that normal people know of as evidence, photographs, videos of collusion, leaked plans, anything

give me some kind of verifiable proof, that multiple independant sources can verify and you are good to go

Or you could just remove yourself from the structure of 'correct thinking' and realize how insane it is when you look at it from the outside.
what does this even mean? leave rational thought behind? abandon all first-order logic? what do you define as 'correct-thinking'

even if i remove myself from the system, the lack of evidence is not evidence

The tactic is four million pages of fine-print. It's completely unfeasible to comb through, and the people who agree with it didn't bother looking into it any further because they believe it confirms their bias. It's pretty impenetrable. The unfortunate part is that there's real people trapped in this system.
are you saying the body of scientific knowledge is so vast is infeasible to very every single previous result?

anyone in any scientific field knows this is completely bogus because people question the fundamental axioms of many theories all the time, this is why the entirety of physics changes a lot. people come up with a new model that fits the experimental data better and improve over time.

it's bogus to say people aren't checking and rechecking results all the time because that's literally what science is, there's hundreds of people all over the world that their life mission is to prove certain theories or models wrong because they believe the opposite and try to find undoubtable evidence that their peers are wrong

and if you have some groundbreaking evidence that shatters the foundation of some important papers, I encourage you to publish them because you will be given worldwide acclaim for your fantastic research and possibly a nobel prize

Good job outing yourself as a Milo Stewart type


Literally just means you're straddling the fence bc of your facial structure, nothing to do w/ any kind of transitioning you did yourself
idk who that is but i hate their haircut lmao
i was just using that as an (admittedly pretty stuffty and anecdotal) example that it's possible to pass without money. if i can pass then others can too and that makes 99% a poor estimate.

are you just going to ignore the rest of my post

Yes, I am, welcome to Deus Ex boyo