Author Topic: Gautier00 - Plagiarism and Intellectual Theft  (Read 41139 times)

Truly fun in games when you block the spawn room so no one can play and just RDM and fail rp. The screenshot that you're using was from after the server was 'hijacked' and 80% of the administration and dev team were banned.
Well I'm sorry the server didn't go well.

Even then you came to me afterwards to continue chatting when Drought went downhill. My comments though I agree were unreasonable and childish however, but the joke with the group joining the server as a bunch of black dudes getting banned and whatnot was mostly just fun and games honestly, no harm really came with that whatsoever. Regardless, if we ever update the wikia I'll be sure to properly list those who did help with whatever we post on it, but chances are nobody is gonna bother with the wikia anymore. Last thing we want is another raid and all the work Xenos puts in will just go to waste yet again.
Deflecting isn't making you look any better, mi amigo.

Well I'm sorry the server didn't go well.
I'm willing to bet it did better than most of yours.

noedit: Tavern had nothing to do with the raid, I mistaked them for another discord, my apologies.

Geez these memes are top tier

[img ][/img]
I love this

It hurt reading this, and I'm so sorry you were ever treated this way. You weren't the only one he'd start annoying to get on his server then abuse them if they said no/had other plans.
Crankie as well suffered from the same treatment from Gautier as well.

But from what's being put here, it's still surprises me this guy has friends from how much of a scumbag he acts to folk like you and Crankie. I hope you never run into this kind of issue with anyone ever again dude.
noedit: Tavern had nothing to do with the raid, I mistaked them for another discord, my apologies.
I was about to address this in the first post but thankfully saw this first. This is one of our main problems: People start mixing us up for Gautier's copy&paste. I will state right now, the only thing we have raided that was completely uncalled for and immature was the CrystalScape wiki as mentioned prior. We are not a group made with the intentions of being malicious, but I obviously didn't think straight when it came to that raid, and my apologies go out to Xenos for raiding his wiki. But, seeing as the Saloon has also done malicious raiding, I think that balances out that issue enough.

Well I'm sorry the server didn't go well.

dude just fess up already, there is 3+ years of evidence against you. i dont get what sort of complex you have where you just cherry pick someone and try to crawl into their skin but it's more than pathetic.

[img ][/img]
the man really does need his heart changed