Author Topic: What has happened to this game?!  (Read 12336 times)

Also how did brickadia remove mod support if it never had it in the first place?

That's a pretty bad comparison

Uhhhhhhh you do realize blockland didn't have mod support till retail, right?
I just opened v0002 and modified the functionality of the hammer from the console. Even if it wasn't fully realized, it was there, because of how the engine is structured. Implemented from the ground up, as it should be.

I just opened v0002 and modified the functionality of the hammer from the console. Even if it wasn't fully realized, it was there, because of how the engine is structured. Implemented from the ground up, as it should be.
K bro.

Kinda weird how you expect a game not realized yet to have mod support.

K bro.
Kinda weird how you expect a game not realized yet to have mod support.
Game? More like engine lol. I'd expect the first sign of an interface but there's nothing.

brickadia could be better right now but right now brickadia is loving garbage because you can't do stuff other then build, shoot, and make a minigame not as much customization as slayer, there's not even eventing jesus, the only thing good in brickadia is that they have that thing where you can make customized bricks, or a circle tool, or dup. it's more of a build blockland rather then a play blockland. (edit i loving suck at spelling)

Crook cooking up the brickadia unreal 4 custom model exploit schmoke (against brickadia terms of service).

Complaining about the current state of Brickadia is like complaining that Blockland v0002 doesn't have some kind of categorized brick inventory system, the ability to create mini-games, or stop players from messing with your build

I know some of you guys must think it's a joke, but do learn what 'early alpha' means in game development, and understand that the devs are not obligated to work on this game day in and day out when they're doing it all for free, and whenever they're not having to deal with whatever life situation they may have

The difference between you and me is that I know more about game development than what the Brickadia devs have explicitly told me and I know what to look for in an alpha beneath raw surface content

when they're doing it all for free,
they are literally planning on selling it for 20 dollars

I'm also the first Brickadia modder, I made 2-bit Img2Brick for Brickadia in the first week of the alpha so run me my medal

brickadia could be better right now but right now brickadia is loving garbage because you can't do stuff other then build, shoot, and make a minigame not as much customization as slayer, there's not even eventing jesus, the only thing good in brickadia is that they have that thing where you can make customized bricks, or a circle tool, or dup. it's more of a build blockland rather then a play blockland. (edit i loving suck at spelling)

kinda weird you're expecting a game in alpha to have all these features already

they are literally planning on selling it for 20 dollars

But they're working for free right now, stupid

they are literally planning on selling it for 20 dollars
They're planning on it, but they're currently not being paid to do anything

I'm also the first Brickadia modder, I made 2-bit Img2Brick for Brickadia in the first week of the alpha so run me my medal
That's cool and all, but just because you can mod something doesn't mean it's just as easy to implement full modding support that's both easier and more intuitive than whatever the engine has by default

and I know what to look for in an alpha beneath raw surface content
Maybe you're just expecting too much too soon, not every alpha will have all the bells and whistles you're expecting it to have right away

Unfortunately, you're not gonna find a game engine in this day and age that's as flexible as Torque, while also having the kind of networking, optimizations, graphical, and functional capabilities that today's game engines (or any engine past the year 2000 for that matter) have, so the Brickadia team is having to work with what they got

Maybe you're just expecting too much too soon
Quite frankly I knew what we were in for before we actually had the alpha and have yet been given any reason to even doubt my initial skepticism

Unfortunately, you're not gonna find a game engine in this day and age that's as flexible as Torque
As long as everyone who is abandoning ship to Brickadia, without so much as an inkling of understanding of how the free mods they have been enjoying on Blockland for 15 years were possible, understands this then I don't have much right to complain. It's just sad and annoying to see polymorphism dying such a horrible death in this industry because Ooooouuhhhh new modern graphics! Cool trendy 3rd party game engine!

imagine expecting a game in alpha made by random indie devs to already be an AAA title lol