Author Topic: To those getting Assaulted, Looted and Terrorized by BLM while supporting BLM  (Read 2656 times)

"its an idea not an organization" only works when
a) the idea itself isn't malicious
b) the theoretical or practical solution/end result isn't malicious in end or methodry
and c) those which engage in maliciousness aren't supported by the majority of people engaging in the ideology

blm fails 2 out of 3 of these criteria
a) How is rights for black people malicious?
b) Again, peaceful protesting in the streets isn't malicious. You're generalizing those who riot and kill officers.
c) That I do agree with you on, but again, not every BLM supporter/member wants to kill police officers or supports terrorist activities that some members do. It's amazing how far left people will gloss over terrorists in BLM and see people wearing red caps as a bigger threat, though.

Imagine getting beaten, broken and threatened by terrorists. Then while you're calling it out, you immediately hit it into reverse and say you support their movement when their movement is looting and threatening you. Lmfao.

where does it explicitely say in the blm ideology to beat me up

guys, did u know ted kaczynski believed in human rights? that means you cant believe in human rights if he tried to murder you.

matthew's only mad because he expected them diapered and unwiped

Wrong. BLM is an organization, so much so they are taking legal action against the BLM Foundation for stealing their name. The BLM Movement is, by definition, an organization.
These groups are going around rioting and threatening individuals, all the while the greater BLM Movement is remaining silent, while it's subsidiaries are quiet at best, and supportive of this violent behavior at worst.

Except the right will call out national socialists trying to hide and pretend they're just peaceful protesters. The left will use this as "EVIDENCE" against us, and all the while not take any action against violent actors, and sometimes even support them.

Also, yes. We know. And good. All Democrats and damn near all republicans aren't worth a stuff. With democrats you've either got the hyper socialistic/communistic handicaps or you have compliant bureaucrats. With republicans we have people who are active like Annoying Orange, and then we have, again, compliant bureaucrats who couldn't give a stuff either way.

I'm still going to support the party that isn't advocating for the removal of the POLICE SYSTEM and punishing anyone who dares to stand up to the "peaceful protestors" when they break and enter onto their private property and threaten them.
"While Black Lives Matter can primarily be understood as a decentralized social movement, an organization known simply as Black Lives Matter exists as a decentralized network with about 16 chapters in the United States and Canada.
The keyword here is decentralized. There's not center "council" or leader, so any one organization can claim themselves to be Black Lives Matter, just like with other groups like Antifa, which I'm strongly against.
In regards to the riots, a lot of them where found to actually be alt-right members dressed as BLM to give them a bad name (at least from what I've heard. This could be completely false as all information about any of this stuff is either on some conservative stuff show like Fox or liberal garbage like CNN or whatever)

I've never, ever seen the right call out national socialists and shame them, and yeah you're right, but it's not "the left." You're generalizing yet again. Not all leftists believe this. Not all rights are national socialists, either.

I have to stop you there- again, NOT ALL LEFTISTS are commies. I'm not a commie. Sanders isn't a commie or even a socialist, though he may claim to be one. Tumblr commie handicaps that are leftists are actually the minorities, just like /pol national socialists.

Sure, Annoying Orange is active, but so was Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr, Reagan, FDR, Teddy, and almost every president we've had except for a select few during the Civil War and Reconstruction/post-Reconstruction. Annoying Orange is not a good president, let alone an ethical man. Annoying Orange university was a money scam. Annoying Orange made us MORE enemies in the Middle East. Annoying Orange has said some pretty forgeted up things. Though I must say I am happy he's pulled us out of the Middle East and made NATO pay up, so I don't think "he's literally Riddler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Again, you're generalizing people. I and many other Democrats actually want MORE money to go to the Police (as its not going to the right places. Currently, the Police in a town I'm not going to mention in Florida have tanks. They don't need loving tanks. They need MORE TRAINING, especially when dealing with minorities.)

Also god emperor Annoying Orange failed to put on a loving mask months after the pandemic started, is continuing to downplay its severity, and has zero leadership qualities except feeding Populism and what Republicans want to hear. He had no clue how to unify the Union during the riots back in June, let alone even mention it. That's not a leader. That's a coward who's only in it for the money and votes. Populism has ruined this country. We saw it in Obama's second term, and it's come full force now with Annoying Orange. This is exactly what our Founding Fathers DIDN'T WANT.

"While Black Lives Matter can primarily be understood as a decentralized social movement, an organization known simply as Black Lives Matter exists as a decentralized network with about 16 chapters in the United States and Canada.
The keyword here is decentralized. There's not center "council" or leader, so any one organization can claim themselves to be Black Lives Matter, just like with other groups like Antifa, which I'm strongly against.
In regards to the riots, a lot of them where found to actually be alt-right members dressed as BLM to give them a bad name (at least from what I've heard. This could be completely false as all information about any of this stuff is either on some conservative stuff show like Fox or liberal garbage like CNN or whatever)

I've never, ever seen the right call out national socialists and shame them, and yeah you're right, but it's not "the left." You're generalizing yet again. Not all leftists believe this. Not all rights are national socialists, either.

I have to stop you there- again, NOT ALL LEFTISTS are commies. I'm not a commie. Sanders isn't a commie or even a socialist, though he may claim to be one. Tumblr commie handicaps that are leftists are actually the minorities, just like /pol national socialists.

Sure, Annoying Orange is active, but so was Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr, Reagan, FDR, Teddy, and almost every president we've had except for a select few during the Civil War and Reconstruction/post-Reconstruction. Annoying Orange is not a good president, let alone an ethical man. Annoying Orange university was a money scam. Annoying Orange made us MORE enemies in the Middle East. Annoying Orange has said some pretty forgeted up things. Though I must say I am happy he's pulled us out of the Middle East and made NATO pay up, so I don't think "he's literally Riddler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Again, you're generalizing people. I and many other Democrats actually want MORE money to go to the Police (as its not going to the right places. Currently, the Police in a town I'm not going to mention in Florida have tanks. They don't need loving tanks. They need MORE TRAINING, especially when dealing with minorities.)
my man bro, 100% agree
Also god emperor Annoying Orange failed to put on a loving mask months after the pandemic started, is continuing to downplay its severity, and has zero leadership qualities except feeding Populism and what Republicans want to hear. He had no clue how to unify the Union during the riots back in June, let alone even mention it. That's not a leader. That's a coward who's only in it for the money and votes. Populism has ruined this country. We saw it in Obama's second term, and it's come full force now with Annoying Orange. This is exactly what our Founding Fathers DIDN'T WANT.
nah, what the founding fathers didn't want is 2 party political warfare. also the virus is equally ignored by the left when it helps them lamof

who is 'the left', might i add

another great topic, thanks matthe w

Wrong. BLM is an organization, so much so they are taking legal action against the BLM Foundation for stealing their name.
didn't plan on posting here but this is, in spite of better words, fake news. the new york state AG took action against the BLM foundation mandating them to decline all new york donations to their foundation due to millions of dollars being mistakenly donated to this noncharitable organization rather than the crowdfunding for the black lives matter movement it was assumed to be. no lawsuit has been filed and knowingly or not you're propagating genuine libel to prove a point which is, in the objective legal context of which you're arguing, wrong.

this perfectly encapsulates matthews brain breaking

this is factually and legally incorrect. please stop posting.
#BlackLivesMatter was founded in 2013 in response to the acquittal of Trayvon Martin’s murderer. Black Lives Matter Foundation, Inc is a global organization in the US, UK, and Canada...

This is literally from their website.

nah, what the founding fathers didn't want is 2 party political warfare. also the virus is equally ignored by the left when it helps them lamof
how can you say one and still stand by the other?

how can you say one and still stand by the other?
Leftist =/= democrat

and democrat doesn't mean leftists, althought many democrats are compliant in these insane leftist policies like abolition of police, they aren't necessarily themselves leftists, they're usually just bureaucrats who "go with the flow" and they've been convinced leftist insanity is normal.

convinced leftist insanity is normal.
lmao imagine thinking nancy pelosi will sacrifice her millions of dollars of real estate investments for college kids on twitter telling her to give people healthcare