
I have posted a possibility for the election outcome in 6 variations. Choose your preferred below.

A. https://i.imgur.com/F6TVPLY.png
8 (34.8%)
B. https://i.imgur.com/uuRmNcE.png
3 (13%)
C. https://i.imgur.com/JK2OSsA.png
1 (4.3%)
D. https://i.imgur.com/sl6MVas.png
2 (8.7%)
E. https://i.imgur.com/K1GHlD3.png
2 (8.7%)
F. https://i.imgur.com/br3Sp06.png
7 (30.4%)

Total Members Voted: 23

Author Topic: U.S.A. Politics Thread  (Read 290430 times)

we don't live in a caliphate people are allowed to show affection to their partner in public

we don't live in a caliphate people are allowed to show affection to their partner in public
Yeah and I'm just as much allowed to criticize people doing stuff in public that belongs in the bedroom

Yeah and I'm just as much allowed to criticize people doing stuff in public that belongs in the bedroom
if you think kissing belongs in the bedroom idk what to tell you bro your relationships have been pretty stuff

if you think kissing belongs in the bedroom idk what to tell you bro your relationships have been pretty stuff
I'm not talking about simple kissing/holding hands lul I'm talking about straight up groping and kids playing tonsil hockey

I'm not talking about simple kissing/holding hands lul I'm talking about straight up groping and kids playing tonsil hockey
Fairly certain the first one is illegal, and you can get over the second one.

People kiss, even in a disgusting manor. But so long as theres nothing obviously loveual, violent or exposed, its fine and i'd consider that covered under the 1st amendment.

Your weak stomache is not my concern.

However. My issue is with pushing partisan stuff in schools. Typically transgenderism on children and other leftist dogma, but also this pusillanimous individual stuff that you're displaying.

No banning Pokemon cause its 'sAtAnIc" and no enforcing critical race theory to teach people their races are guilty or victims.

Also Affirmative Action is discriminatory racism.

funny that you bring up dogma

Fairly certain the first one is illegal, and you can get over the second one.

People kiss, even in a disgusting manor. But so long as theres nothing obviously loveual, violent or exposed, its fine and i'd consider that covered under the 1st amendment.

Your weak stomache is not my concern.

However. My issue is with pushing partisan stuff in schools. Typically transgenderism on children and other leftist dogma, but also this pusillanimous individual stuff that you're displaying.

No banning Pokemon cause its 'sAtAnIc" and no enforcing critical race theory to teach people their races are guilty or victims.

Also Affirmative Action is discriminatory racism.
This post smells like a fat pile of stuff, like actual poop

bit of a rant here, but i legit don't understand the logic of lib lefters. like, ok, to stop racism you're gonna judge people purely based on their color? to stop tyranny you're gonna force people to support you under threat of death? to benefit the lives of minorities you're gonna burn down their jobs and their houses? to fight evil companies you're gonna give them a huge insurance payout and wipe out their competition? honestly can someone who's lib left explain this to me because honestly i just can't wrap my head around it

bit of a rant here, but i legit don't understand the logic of lib lefters. like, ok, to stop racism you're gonna judge people purely based on their color? to stop tyranny you're gonna force people to support you under threat of death? to benefit the lives of minorities you're gonna burn down their jobs and their houses? to fight evil companies you're gonna give them a huge insurance payout and wipe out their competition? honestly can someone who's lib left explain this to me because honestly i just can't wrap my head around it
none of anything you just said is lib left

the 'left' side of the spectrum is everyone i disagree with: a guide to the internet by a 'polistuffter'

i wasn't polistuffting for attention i was doing it becsude somehow i thought flinging liquid stuff was actually saneand helpful

good point tho

also Cheese Pizza II:
hey all of you, i would highly recommrnd just not posting politically. sure, seeing a political thread and being unable to assert yourself might seem like torture, but if you can get past it holy hell is it satisfying. i have cut down 99.999% of my politard arguing and i have benefited immenselt, and i now can spend my time on other stuff like having a life