Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes

Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 678039 times)

Post any stupidly funny bans, kicks, and mutes, or otherwise that you think are worth a laugh (Or an outcasting, or something) here.

Here's one from me:

The Race to Heaven

Due to this particular server having a capitalized name I instantly joined only to be greeted by a badly-organized "Climb up the bridge so us admins can shoot you" game. They ended the minigame due to getting bored and I left, only to come back and say that their name is still the same as it was before, and was banned indefinitely and at random for the reason "Idiot"
« Last Edit: August 22, 2008, 02:39:57 PM by Bushido »

When i first joined BlockLand, I was joining servers to see if they were good or not. I came across a server with a DM and 3/4th's of the players were admins or super admins. Everyone had snipers and were shooting the crap out of each other. I was killed by one of the admins, so I found a sniper and shot him. Then he was like, "NO KILLING OR BAN!". So I was like, ok? Then I was jumping around on some tall poorly made tower when the same guy said, "GET OFF THE TOWER OR BAN!". I jump off only to find the sh1tbag waiting at the bottom ready to shoot me. After he killed me and I respawned, I came up behind him and killed him with the hammer. Then I'm banned from the room for this reason: "You stupid nub gtfo"

And another dumb ban was from some id tribal friend blockballer or some crap like that. Me and a friend join a server and when we get there the host said "Your id's too high to be playing on this server". Then my friend said, "Why does it matter?". Then he got banned by blockballer for this reason, "Get off my server noob". Then I got banned for the exact same thing.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 06:26:35 PM by Hellriot »

there once was a freebuild server. i finaly joined and someone got admin an shooted out "JOIN MY MINIGAME" but not anybody joined it. when i spawned i automatocly was puted in to that crap minigame and i just got a damn pistole like any one else but only the admins had SMG's e.t.c and so i decided to no play and wait until the minigame will end, and i waited and waited and waited, then i said that the name of the server is Freebuild and that i want to build something. and the other admin just said i should wait until the minigame ends and i said than that i dont respawn because i dont want to play a stupid dm. and then i got banned.

Reason : "its my loving GAME "

Any server I'm on with ephialtes he tries to get me kicked or banned by making the other people do a mas "get rid of him so ephi will talk about v9".

cry more :)

you're so predictable, having to run to the forums and make a post all about it.

A long time ago I was on a Ninja Challenge server hosted by "block dude".

Once I joined, the host was like "you had a cuss word in your server name" and kicked me. I did have a cuss word in my server name but what the hell? I joined the server again and he said "im giving you a chance to leave" then he kicked me. I joined the server again and was permanently banned by block dude himself for the reason: Cussing.


cry more :)

you're so predictable, having to run to the forums and make a post all about it.

I only posted about it because I thought it was a really stupid reason to ban someone

And than this post happened.

Also updated list

I was replying to kheyre not you

A long time ago I was on a Ninja Challenge server hosted by "block dude".

Once I joined, the host was like "you had a cuss word in your server name" and kicked me. I did have a cuss word in my server name but what the hell? I joined the server again and he said "im giving you a chance to leave" then he kicked me. I joined the server again and was permanently banned by block dude himself for the reason: Cussing.


BlockDudes and idiot. Hes just another one of them morons who think that just because they have admin their better than everyone on the server. I think we should post his ID and everyone perma ban him. Give him a taste of his own shyt! >=)

Not to mention he is a build stealer.

Grand Theft Spaceship
   Ace and myself went on a server (forgot who's), only to find that the host was was using Ace's ship without permission and claimed that he built it. We then told him that it was not a good idea to steal builds, and we were both banned with some noobish reason.   

A long time ago I was on a Ninja Challenge server hosted by "block dude".

Once I joined, the host was like "you had a cuss word in your server name" and kicked me. I did have a cuss word in my server name but what the hell? I joined the server again and he said "im giving you a chance to leave" then he kicked me. I joined the server again and was permanently banned by block dude himself for the reason: Cussing.


BlockDudes and idiot. Hes just another one of them morons who think that just because they have admin their better than everyone on the server. I think we should post his ID and everyone perma ban him. Give him a taste of his own shyt! >=)

In fact, I know his ID by heart.


Grand Theft Spaceship
   Ace and myself went on a server (forgot who's), only to find that the host was was using Ace's ship without permission and claimed that he built it. We then told him that it was not a good idea to steal builds, and we were both banned with some noobish reason.   

That was block dude's server also, I was on it, and Laremere and I were standing up for Ace and were banned for "Stupid cussing idiot" or something.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 08:02:39 PM by SuperSnake117 »

I was replying to kheyre not you

I knew that.

Updated with Grand Theft Spaceship

i think my rules are acceptable.. :o

un-needed spawns & particles are considered as spam
If you must spawn something spawn it away from builds.

Be polite to admins and fellow bloko.

Do not try to get around the swear filter.

Do not ask for admin. You will be banned.
Do not ask to load. You will be denined and if you keep asking will be banned.

Every ban will be perma ban. You will NEVER be unbanned.*
*unless if the ban is done by a person other then tails
Please page up! there are more!
Anybody think other wise?

Once I got randomly banned from lightningace's server with the reason "cigarette"

But this was last year. :D