Not exactly completely the same thing, because I was more an involved bystander.
Like... a week ago? on Korv-Gubbe's server, one of the other admins by the name of ScorpionFire (at the time) was de-admined for being a richard. He then proceeded to continue being a richard, much to my enjoyment, even to the point of threatening that his clan would hunt both myself and Korv down IRL and kill us.

Oh dear, it looks like he forgot his MotE and USSR tags that declare him as being able to say he made those things!

Just 'cause my ID is 4332. He's just jealous :<


Because being younger than we assume is a great way to say "I'm not as dumb as you think"

Gawd, now he's just acting like a furry.

He also threatened several times that he would 'post us crap on the forums and ruin our lifes', but apparently he didn't. I was hoping he would because I had a whole post with all of this typed up ready to Ctrl+V into his thread before it was ten seconds old.
Oh, and we kicked him a few minutes later when he started spamming (see
here). He never came back to the server, but he's not banned.
I think Korv is still wearing the TDB tag too :O