There was a school RPG and it said in the welcome messege "Wear uniforms or ban!" So i asked what the uniforms looked like, after no response, i went in to see, then i started changing into them after i sat at a computer desk, and i was banned for the reason "WEAR YOUR UNIFORM!!!" yeh
I also got banned for the same reason boshido did by Block dude, but it was saying "Wtf"
Banned from a server because the admins were being jerky badmins to a friend of mine, and they were shooting fire balls at him and he asked to stop a lot of times because he was lagging, they were also wanding him away from his build a lot, So he finaly left and said they were lame
Then they said, "HAHA What a friend!" And i said, he is not a friend, he is cool. And i was banned with the reason: "Shut up moron!"