Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes

Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 678183 times)

No there not talking about me, there talking about the peice of crap kid in my story.
Watch your language!
It hurts my eyes.
                        And you don't cuss....... Wich crud  isn't really a cuss word
« Last Edit: April 04, 2008, 03:44:04 PM by Penguin Mario »

I was muted cause I said crap.

Please stop cussing, Penguin Mario. Even saying 'cuss' makes me feel all sad inside.

Im not cussing..... Ive been known for that...... people still make fun of me for not cussing. and i fixed it  anyways. all is say is...... the word......
« Last Edit: April 04, 2008, 03:44:35 PM by Penguin Mario »

I got perma banned from Trooper's server because after telling me he had the name first I replied that most likely he was in diapers when I first started using this tag.
His fit of anger in banning me and calling me some rather mean names proves my original assertion I think.

I know how to settle this, get his ID and then your ID, if his is lower than yours, he had the name first, if your ID is lower than his, you had your name first.

Im not cussing..... Ive been known for that...... people still make fun of me for not cussing. and i fixed it  anyways. all is say is...... the word......

Then you stop posting fights.

When  first started i went in this room. Everyone was making crap pictures on the ground. I wanted to do a picture too so i asked "May i build a picture too?" So the the craped 7 year old banned me for asking. There were like 7 admins in that room... Reson: NO PICTRE FOR YU NUB111!!!!
Why must stupid, spoiled assbrat 7 year olds find about Blockland? Can't they find some other game to plague?
asshat 7 year-olds....

No there not talking about me, there talking about the peice of crap kid in my story.
Watch your language!
It hurts my eyes.
                        And you don't cuss....... Wich crud  isn't really a cuss word
no, its not so if someone got banned for that it was probaly 7 year-old or my little brother i caught him saying"sh1t" but other than that he doesn't like"bad words"

1 i wase baned becouse of my name
2 no reoson what so ever
3 some of the bans say no no for what

I would ban you because you have the spelling ability of a handicapped monkey with broken fingers.

I remember one time DeSenT said ur mom or something I said I am here to look at builds not listen to bad jokes, then I got banned :D

 Long ago(3, 4 months ago) I Joined Reapers server(i forget the name) so i was forced to join a mini, then one Of Reapers henchmen(admins) began shooting everyone, so i shot him back, got banned reason:dont kill.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2008, 09:57:54 PM by Harm94 »

i woudla ben liek
haye u ni skill ne yu nub i hate u

There was a school RPG and it said in the welcome messege "Wear uniforms or ban!"  So i asked what the uniforms looked like, after no response, i went in to see, then i started changing into them after i sat at a computer desk, and i was banned for the reason "WEAR YOUR UNIFORM!!!"  yeh
I also got banned for the same reason boshido did by Block dude,  but it was saying "Wtf"   

Banned from a server because the admins were being jerky badmins to a friend of mine, and they were shooting fire balls at him and he asked to stop a lot of times because he was lagging, they were also wanding him away from his build a lot,  So he finaly left and said they were lame

Then they said, "HAHA What a friend!"   And i said, he is not a friend, he is cool.       And i was banned with the reason: "Shut up moron!"