Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes

Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 678183 times)


On the Road to friendry
      A long while ago, in the spirit of joining the newly made Nitro clan (by Bushido) I built a quite neat looking racetrack on Slate Lunar. We had a few races and so on, and then this guy entered the server named "sonicking900". So we proceeded to race until the server finally crashed due to the amount of vehicles. I then later went into a server suspiciously named "lets race with cars". (Yes, that was the server name...) I enter only to find that none other than sonicking900 was the host. Now, I did nothing to anger this poor lad in the first place, but for some reason, when I spawned, he had the racetrack from my server. The conversation proceeded like this:

Ace: Hey, I built this. I was just hosting it a minute ago.
sonicking900: no i built it you cant build like this noob
Ace: I'll prove it, look, my name is right here. (I hide my name in all my builds, for safety purposes)
sonicking900: YOURE A LIAR I MADE IT

I was then banned permanently for the reason:

sonicking900's another moron you have to watch out for. He loves to flame people. And no matter how nice you try to be, he just sh1ts on you with insults. I wouldn't even bother talking to this guy. If he was on my front porch dying, I'd just say, "Get off my porch or I'll ban you". =P

Grand Theft Spaceship
   Ace and myself went on a server (forgot who's), only to find that the host was was using Ace's ship without permission and claimed that he built it. We then told him that it was not a good idea to steal builds, and we were both banned with some noobish reason.   

Dude people always steal the Gemini because their pissed that they can't build something as awesome as the Gemini. I have a save file of it but I wont claim that I built it. Stealing peoples builds is like slapping yourself in the face and saying, "I suck at building".
« Last Edit: March 29, 2008, 11:15:04 PM by Hellriot »


Dude people always steal the Gemini because their pissed that they can't build something as awesome as the Gemini. I have a save file of it but I wont claim that I built it. Stealing peoples builds is like slapping yourself in the face and saying, "I suck at building".
True, tons of people have that save and think they built it.

am i the only person to have not seen this "gemini" thing?

Ok I know this sounds stupid but just for people to see it, I'm about to make a topic with pics of aces Gemini so everyone could see it. I'll post it in General Off Topic but first I have to get some pics.

On the Road to friendry
      A long while ago, in the spirit of joining the newly made Nitro clan (by Bushido) I built a quite neat looking racetrack on Slate Lunar. We had a few races and so on, and then this guy entered the server named "sonicking900". So we proceeded to race until the server finally crashed due to the amount of vehicles. I then later went into a server suspiciously named "lets race with cars". (Yes, that was the server name...) I enter only to find that none other than sonicking900 was the host. Now, I did nothing to anger this poor lad in the first place, but for some reason, when I spawned, he had the racetrack from my server. The conversation proceeded like this:

Ace: Hey, I built this. I was just hosting it a minute ago.
sonicking900: no i built it you cant build like this noob
Ace: I'll prove it, look, my name is right here. (I hide my name in all my builds, for safety purposes)
sonicking900: YOURE A LIAR I MADE IT

I was then banned permanently for the reason:

i also was on that server b4 it crashed. and the racetrack was awesome :D

hm i got banned a few hours ago for not full trusting

Good times

Ah the days when I first started playing BL. One time I went to a midevil (spelled like that) RPG I said hi to my friend then got banned afterwards for "I don't trust your high ID"

I was kicked backed and forth from vipers server for having a high ID.

Reaper banned me from kellan's egypt RPG, for well a story is needed.

So I am just being a slave and decide to say " Since I have an eyptian skin color I should be a higher rank" Reaper replies with "This is orignal slavery" What a dumb ass. I then proceded to dancing in a pyramid and am banished to the desert, I then build some weapons and ride to town, because I was told I was a rebel. I get to town and am banned for the reason being "YOU ARE BANISHED NUB".

Good times good times...

« Last Edit: March 30, 2008, 05:48:34 AM by chaseyqurt »

...some id tribal...
Discrimination using IDs != RACISM

Fix or ban.

The Race to Heaven

Due to this particular server having a capitalized name I instantly joined only to be greeted by a badly-organized "Climb up the bridge so us admins can shoot you" game. They ended the minigame due to getting bored and I left, only to come back and say that their name is still the same as it was before, and was banned indefinitely and at random for the reason "Idiot"


i got banned same reason the 2 SA's were 10 year old cigarettes and they said anyone older than 10 playing this game is a loser. P.S noxial got banned to and they were perma ban's..

Everyone knows Plantes map,right?
Well,I went in a server called"COOL SPACE RPG!!!!!!!"(I just wonder,how they can just call them cool?),which`s super admin was AFK.
Anyway,I went on one of those platforms surrounding the Earth and started to build a little satellite.Then my friend joined and I got an idea:When he spawns,im would use wrench events to customize my satellite.Once I had put a ion cannon in it,I started to wait.After a loooong time,he spawned.I activated my cannon and killed 4 people in Earth,including my friend.Also,I killed some 7-year old admin,which started to yell: "U IDIOT IDIOT IDIOT!!!!!"and got banned with reason "NOOBIDIOTNOOB".

So,I got banned for such a little thing like blowing up Earth.My friend asked his age after I had been banned,and he just said:"I are 7".


Spat, I did not write that story.


When  first started i went in this room. Everyone was making crap pictures on the ground. I wanted to do a picture too so i asked "May i build a picture too?" So the the craped 7 year old banned me for asking. There were like 7 admins in that room... Reson: NO PICTRE FOR YU NUB111!!!!

When  first started i went in this room. Everyone was making crap pictures on the ground. I wanted to do a picture too so i asked "May i build a picture too?" So the the craped 7 year old banned me for asking. There were like 7 admins in that room... Reson: NO PICTRE FOR YU NUB111!!!!
Why must stupid, spoiled assbrat 7 year olds find about Blockland? Can't they find some other game to plague?