Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 606034 times)

I dont get it. When I was 7 I wasnt an assbrat and I spelt correctly. Why are all the new 7 year olds handicaps?

Everytime I join a server and my friend Pnobio is in it, he usually responds with "ogmf sloar" and I respond with "ofgm npoibo". It's a long running joke. One time, I joined an RPG server and Pnobio was on it. After responding with "ofgm npoibo" I was banned by the admin with the reason: "if you ucss your stupid" or something similar.

"Ur gay" 'nuff said.

Banned too quickly
First server I was ever in, I made a car place. It was destroyed due to me making three car spawns. I remade it without without the car spawns (first build ever, I was quite proud of it). I later got bored and made a gun place(good gun). Someone went in and took he rocket launcher. He and me got kicked for "rocket spam". I returned and remade the spawn (the admin removed it) and put a big glass screen in front of it. Banned "rocket spam"

If anyone knows who hosted that server, tell me.

Why are all the new 7 year olds handicaps?

because unlike the rest of us, daddy didn't beat them enough


When first started i went in this room. Everyone was making crap pictures on the ground. I wanted to do a picture too so i asked "May i build a picture too?" So the the craped 7 year old banned me for asking. There were like 7 admins in that room... Reson: NO PICTRE FOR YU NUB111!!!!
Why must stupid, spoiled assbrat 7 year olds find about Blockland? Can't they find some other game to plague?
                                                                                                                           Are you talking about me?

I got perma banned from Trooper's server because after telling me he had the name first I replied that most likely he was in diapers when I first started using this tag.
His fit of anger in banning me and calling me some rather mean names proves my original assertion I think.

tails, your rules are way too strict.
1. Don't piss me off. <-- Usually only stupidity makes me angry...
2. Profanity, racism, and offensive builds are allowed.
3. If you don't like it, Alt+F4.

I've been banned many times since first playing Blockland. I'd say 5% of the time I deserved it :S

No there not talking about me, there talking about the peice of crud kid in my story.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2008, 03:43:26 PM by Penguin Mario »

I was on Skoposh's CTF server and after a while it was OK, until one guy got banned for 30 mins for doing what the Admin said was the reload hack. So I said, "It's not really a hack, just a glitch." I got perm. banned shortly later Reason: Don't Care. My head proceeded to implode.

No there not talking about me, there talking about the peice of crap kid in my story.
Watch your language!
It hurts my eyes.

ban story, this idiot named cog spartan bans me  because i shot a gun and it says:you shot f you

Banned too quickly
First server I was ever in, I made a car place. It was destroyed due to me making three car spawns. I remade it without without the car spawns (first build ever, I was quite proud of it). I later got bored and made a gun place(good gun). Someone went in and took he rocket launcher. He and me got kicked for "rocket spam". I returned and remade the spawn (the admin removed it) and put a big glass screen in front of it. Banned "rocket spam"

If anyone knows who hosted that server, tell me.
not me, no one comes to my LAN server:(

I got banned for no reason the place where it said (Reason:)there was nothing there so  20 mins later and found out that  ever one was bagging on a player called "Blockhead 1234"  so then the stared calling me a picse  of stuff so then one of them said "i am going to go afk" and the rest said "me too" so i stared to spam all over the place  i im prisoned the all in a box  all aroud it saying  "Look Whos my bitch now!!!" so after 20 or 30 mins they nevr came out but they where talking saying "LET US OUT YOU FUGING HOSGNUB LET US OUT!" so right be for he banned me i said "Arnert you admins?" and they said "noooooo were not" then End of story
Long story short i win the suck <3 :D