Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 606745 times)

no we're not loving around, jofy isn't the best builder.

we weren't banned until a long time after we stopped killing people because nobody else shot at us
oh okay that clears stuff up
apologies, then. ill unban you guys. altho i suggest getting a lot in union city, not anchor point where spawn is or ford where everyone shoots eachother.

it's cleared up when you don't have admin any more.

were doing everything in our power to make sure you get your adminship revoked

it's cleared up when you don't have admin any more.
were doing everything in our power to make sure you get your adminship revoked

clearly you can't handle your position, i don't see why you'd still have it after pulling something like that.

our sense of right aliance is currently ddosing her position and she will fall

[im g][/im g]

holy stuff stop with hat viper stuff it's just as annoying as facepalms and kimons tumblr reaction pictures

it's cleared up when you don't have admin any more.
I was on that server as well.
Most of the admins were "cops" or in a "gang" and were using banned weapons (that nobody else can use or ban) because they are "cops" or some other stuffty reason.
Seriously, that administration is just loving ridiculous. I left before I could get banned for no reason.

I was on that server as well.
Most of the admins were "cops" or in a "gang" and were using banned weapons (that nobody else can use or ban) because they are "cops" or some other stuffty reason.
Seriously, that administration is just loving ridiculous. I left before I could get banned for no reason.
but you were in a gang
the server was a lot of fun so i don't see why you all have a problem with it

but you were in a gang
the server was a lot of fun so i don't see why you all have a problem with it
i was in a gang until they started banning us for reasons like "using illegal weapons" (when they were using them too)
the administration was terrible, the server was fun until the admins got ban hungry

i was in a gang until they started banning us for reasons like "using illegal weapons" (when they were using them too)
was there, this is a loving farce. haven't seen one admin use illegal weaponry on the server. only two people i'd suspect of that are catbat and frankie. haven't seen anything from either

^this just makes me laugh everytime I try to connect to server xD

I once got banned from a server for, and I quote, 'stupid build friend XD'.
I was trying to load a house build I had. Was floating and stuff.