Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 607340 times)

in glass' fort wars i started building
i was kicked

in glass' fort wars i started building
i was kicked
...maybe you weren't supposed to build???

...maybe you weren't supposed to build???
If that is so, why was building enabled in the first place?

I got ban hammered by checoletof for 60 minutes

All I was doing was looking at music in a ship, he gave me no warning what-so-ever.

i joined and was banned seconds later


i joined and was banned seconds later
I bet he watches a lot of stupid miencreft trolling videos

Even though I haven't played in something time,I still remember a ban that I got.

It was during an experiment I was doing by playing as a "Robloxian Noob" and managed to banned most of the time with something like "roblox sux" or "no noobs allowed" while some of the more decent people (Most of the 10K user ids of course) just make rude comments.

Those bans just shows how bad biased (maybe tribal somehow) that the users are.

I was just on Pecon7’s boss battles server.
The admin, “Trinko” says that the Lava Pits should be removed.
We start to argue that it is a good camping spot since there aren’t that many other good ones on the Hangar map.
So Overly, Car and me (I forgot a few, can’t remember their names, there were like 5 others.) Anyways, we were upset and started to talk about he this is unfair to us. Either way, out of all of us who were, “bitching”I get a 666 Second mute from Trinko. Out of everyone who was upset I am the only one to get Muted. I have to admit though I was kind of being annoying, I admit. Anyways, when I got muted everyone kind of got the message, so when I get un-muted I stop talking about it and we go on and continue to play the game. Roughly 15 - 25 Minuets later I get a 10040 Minuet Ban from Tophat saying specifically, "Stop being an starfish to my Admins.” I do admit, I kind of deserved this ban, to be honest I’ve never really liked Pecon7s admin team (Mainly because they seem to ignore me, at times insult me etc.) Anyways, that was all like, 4 Hours ago. I know it sounds like I was the bad guy in all of this but I don’t know why i’m the only one to get banned of all the 7 People.

I bet he watches a lot of stupid miencreft trolling videos

look at the thumbnail if you want inspiration to commit Self Delete.

I don’t know why i’m the only one to get banned of all the 7 People.
You started it and you said that you were going a little further than the others.
Plus, why would you argue with an admin over something so small?

There was some debate over the lava pits. Admins have permission to edit the map, and while it doesn't fall under any written rule, Aqua's point was that it breaks the flow of gameplay. People were camping in it so I believe it's completely fair that it was closed. I was asked to read chat logs and told there was something like a "riot". They didn't want a drama popping up, so I came in to deal with it. You're not the only one banned and you probably could've had a longer ban time. I'll grab a few chat snips from the logs. Literally one of the first things I get to read is this line, not much context;

09/20/15   20:11:21   Regirock   36734   Who is the master race on Skyrim - Troll Face -   *Starts flame war*

Somewhat related to his "What race should I be in Skyrim" thread over in games. Aside from some spam here and there, clearly trying to start a stuffstorm.

09/21/15   21:41:32   Regirock   36734   Trinko, do you have any permission from* your superiors to do this act? I demand proof and if not I will address Pecon7.
09/21/15   21:41:35   Aquadoodle   20395   its still a loving richard move
09/21/15   21:41:39   Aquadoodle   20395   so I would advise people to stop[
09/21/15   21:41:51   OverlyGeneric   25737   What we're having fun
09/21/15   21:42:00   Trinko   33152   do you have any right to ask such a stupid question as to say how stupid said act of which is what we are witnessing
09/21/15   21:42:02   Trinko   33152   actually is?
09/21/15   21:42:15   Xotichl   19525   You lost me.
09/21/15   21:42:20   Trinko   33152   good
09/21/15   21:42:25   Regirock   36734   I demand proof.
09/21/15   21:42:30   Trinko   33152   i demand yours
09/21/15   21:42:40   Regirock   36734   This is one of our only good (Camping) spots.
09/21/15   21:42:41   OverlyGeneric   25737   Trinko
09/21/15   21:42:46   Trinko   33152   "camping spots"
09/21/15   21:42:50   Trinko   33152   key word
09/21/15   21:42:51   Trinko   33152   camping
09/21/15   21:42:52   OverlyGeneric   25737   It started from me hiding in this hole
09/21/15   21:42:56   OverlyGeneric   25737   It went too far.
09/21/15   21:42:59   Xotichl   19525   Tank turret is camping too
09/21/15   21:43:04   Xotichl   19525   Staying in one spot.
09/21/15   21:43:08   Trinko   33152   well maybe you shouldntve done it to begin with?
09/21/15   21:43:11   Xotichl   19525   But hell, that's none of my business.
09/21/15   21:43:15   Trinko   33152   maybe we should start punishing people for it
09/21/15   21:43:21   Trinko   33152   this is outrageously stupid
09/21/15   21:43:22   Regirock   36734   *Bangs fist on table* I demand proof!

09/21/15   22:01:42   Regirock   36734   We demand our Camping spot back! WHOS WITH ME?
09/21/15   22:01:44   Qapples   45560   It would be very hard to explain this situation into drama.
09/21/15   22:01:47   OverlyGeneric   25737   I.
09/21/15   22:01:49   Car   36230   meem
09/21/15   22:01:51   Trinko   33152   hi slushie
09/21/15   22:01:54   Matriarch   37867   hi
09/21/15   22:01:56   Xotichl   19525   I mean I can get the whole thing on screens
09/21/15   22:02:02   Regirock   36734   Xot
09/21/15   22:02:05   Qapples   45560   oh no
09/21/15   22:02:05   Regirock   36734   You must...
09/21/15   22:02:06   Trinko   33152   as if that stuff will happen
09/21/15   22:02:11   Regirock   36734   Xot
09/21/15   22:02:11   Qapples   45560   camp captain
09/21/15   22:02:12   OrangeMan   26810   forget you boss
09/21/15   22:02:14   Xotichl   19525   ya
09/21/15   22:02:15   OrangeMan   26810   sky stuffter
09/21/15   22:02:16   Panpour5   14516   let's go keb on a kob
09/21/15   22:02:18   Regirock   36734   You need to... Screenshot this... Onto the...
09/21/15   22:02:22   Xotichl   19525   ya shure
09/21/15   22:02:23   Regirock   36734   Forum s.... *Dies*
09/21/15   22:02:32   Trinko   33152   still wont get changed
09/21/15   22:02:33   Qapples   45560   It would be very hard to explain this situation into drama.
09/21/15   22:02:38   Xotichl   19525   nopes
09/21/15   22:02:43   Car   36230   we want scout back
09/21/15   22:02:44   Trinko   33152   a drama is not necessary
09/21/15   22:02:57   Qapples   45560   scout is kidna op
09/21/15   22:02:59   Xotichl   19525   tronko move
09/21/15   22:03:02   Regirock   36734   Whole point is, did you even get PERMISSION to edit the map.
09/21/15   22:03:02   Trinko   33152   i am
09/21/15   22:03:07   Aquadoodle   20395   Regi
09/21/15   22:03:10   Aquadoodle   20395   for the love of god
09/21/15   22:03:11   OverlyGeneric   25737   Yeah, they did
09/21/15   22:03:12   Aquadoodle   20395   can you read

09/21/15   22:08:38   Trinko   33152   but it CAN be used to stall
09/21/15   22:08:43   Panpour5   14516   If someone is going against the rules, the admins should take action to fix the problem
09/21/15   22:08:46   Xotichl   19525   But that's not what we are using it for.
09/21/15   22:08:46   Arkstar fish   9501   ^
09/21/15   22:08:50   Regirock   36734   Trinko, ban any of us for Complaining, there will be Forum RIOTS.
09/21/15   22:08:53   Trinko   33152   and we did that
09/21/15   22:08:54   Arkstar fish   9501   ^^^
09/21/15   22:09:02   Regirock   36734   Familys will be banned
09/21/15   22:09:05   Tumbleweed   30828   *comlains*
09/21/15   22:09:06   OverlyGeneric   25737   We're using strategitical ways to abuse for advantage

09/21/15 22:10:34   Regirock   36734   So many corrupt admins on this server...

I'll just put those there so it doesn't spam the page up. Anyways, you went into the server, camped with a bunch of players in a way that shouldn't be possible, then complain and ask for "proof" if the admins are allowed to edit the map. Seriously. Also, it wasn't seven. I banned two of you as the rest had either left or said nothing, as they didn't stand out in the chat logs.

What's with people calling out "corrupted admins"? Do they recognize any context clues that would make them to understand?

What's with people calling out "corrupted admins"? Do they recognize any context clues that would make them to understand?
well I got muted by trinko once because he thought I was trying to bypass the caps filter but I wasn't so he's a big meanie :((((

well I got muted by trinko once because he thought I was trying to bypass the caps filter but I wasn't so he's a big meanie :((((
yeah and this one time I said "wrecked" instead of "rekt" to try not to sound annoying and got muted for over 4 hours :(((((|))))): damn that trinkoblinko

So Overly, Car and me (I forgot a few, can’t remember their names, there were like 5 others.) Anyways, we were upset and started to talk about he this is unfair to us.

Yes, because spouting unconstructive things like "We need to make a Magna Carta for the admin team so we don't get a corrupt admin team like Tezuni's!" and saying "Let's publicly execute the admin team and elect new ones!" is very helpful to what we try and do. Overly wasn't muted because, while I didn't agree with what he said at all, he was actually talking like a sensible person. Giving us reasons as to maybe keep the pits, so on and so forth. Maybe if you don't try and deliberately irritate the administration team, we wouldn't ignore you, or in this case, use you as an example so that the others would stay quite about the whole deal since it was said and done.