Author Topic: how did you find out about blockland's existence  (Read 21134 times)

searched "games like minecraft" on youtube back in very late 2011, found BL through those ways to die videos & related, my dad bought me the game in march 2012

Blockland Ads? What Blockland Ads? Let me see them.

I can still remember it like yesterday. In November 2007 I placed a topic on a forum if someone knew a game where you could build with bricks. The first one that replied came up with Blockland, and shortly after that I discovered there was a free version named Return To Blockland 1.045.

One year on christmas my dad found a "fun lego game" and he bought my whole family keys. We had so much fun that first day and didnt even know addons were a thing. My siblings and I still throw a blockland LAN party every Christmas.

I dont think my father played it much after that day, but it really defined a large part of my life, my humor, and my career. To this day, still the only game I have over 2k hours on.

One year on christmas my dad found a "fun lego game" and he bought my whole family keys. We had so much fun that first day and didnt even know addons were a thing. My siblings and I still throw a blockland LAN party every Christmas.

I dont think my father played it much after that day, but it really defined a large part of my life, my humor, and my career. To this day, still the only game I have over 2k hours on.

That's the most wholesome thing I've ever heard.

I've recounted the story many times but for me it was stumbling upon sampapa's things to do in blockland video that made the game look like so much fun

Actually came from Roblox to this game back in early 2011 after watching Roblox vs Blockland Youtube videos, I remember begging my parents for the full version of Blockland after playing the demo for a couple weeks around Christmas in 2010. Think my first server I ever joined was one of Xalos servers, I think he was hosting a freebuild server or something on slate at the time.

Uncle introduced the demo to me back when I was really young, don't think I was any older than 6 when I first played the game honestly. Same with Minecraft Classic. Man how time flies...

Fell and hit my head with such force I completely blacked out, only to wake up in front of my computer with Blockland installed on my computer. That was 11 years ago and still haven't gotten up from the computer.

i honestly dont really remmeber, i think i found a video that was a gameplay of blockland, so i asked my dad if he could buy the game for me n the rest was history

was either or a certain series of videos using rotondos zombies to make a machinima series of escaping zombies in the bedroom that mightve gotten unlisted

I started out playing Roblox in 2008, and saw people discussing "BL" and "" on the forums. Back then, "Blockland" was a filtered word, and discussing Blockland, Lego, and Minecraft wasn't allowed. I looked it up on Youtube and downloaded the demo. Years later, I ended up getting Blockland only for maps to be gone.

From the Skulltag forums.

I was definitely not yet 13 at the time lmao

i think my brother introduced me to it, same thing with roblox, but i honestly can't remember. i just remember playing the demo during the summer of 2010, anything before that was roblox.

ad on a flash game site sometime in 2010

I was watching Lego stop motion videos on youtube and like many others I stumbled upon the "Awesome Lego House" video of someone showcasing their Blockland creation in RTB.

I remember getting really excited about this because up until this point I only knew of and played Lego Digital Designer which wasn't really what I wanted in a Lego game but it's all they had. and then there it was; everything I thought a Lego game should be and it actually existed, I purchased my key in the summer of 2007. I can definitely say it was the most significant $20 I have ever spent.