Author Topic: how did you find out about blockland's existence  (Read 21681 times)

Found Blockland as a banner ad from I was playing the powder game and something about the ad caught my attention to test out the free trial back in 2009.

I was watching Lego stop motion videos on youtube and like many others I stumbled upon the "Awesome Lego House" video of someone showcasing their Blockland creation in RTB.

I remember getting really excited about this because up until this point I only knew of and played Lego Digital Designer which wasn't really what I wanted in a Lego game but it's all they had. and then there it was; everything I thought a Lego game should be and it actually existed, I purchased my key in the summer of 2007. I can definitely say it was the most significant $20 I have ever spent.

Vividly remember this video when I was younger. I was like nine years old searching up Lego videos while playing with them and found that video haha. This video got me into the rabbit hole of Blockland and eventually Roblox. Good times.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2022, 01:45:06 PM by xXGhostXx »

was either or a certain series of videos using rotondos zombies to make a machinima series of escaping zombies in the bedroom that mightve gotten unlisted
Was it the one that started with the scientist releasing the virus and then falling to his death in a pool of his own blood? It also had a scene with the main character trying to show someone how to break the bedroom window with the pointy helmet. I've been looking for it for a while. If anyone has the channel name please let me know.

Saw that good ol ad at school, went home and downloaded.

Best friend showed me the game, and I begged my parents to buy it for me. He found it through a Youtube video and thought it looked cool.

google video (pre youtube I think) found videos of people playing v0002 and also the original RTB mod for it played it a bit before retail came out and bought retail v8 around 2007
« Last Edit: December 20, 2022, 01:49:44 AM by Flying Ace »

there was a website called like or something and blockland was on there

the google ad campaign.

"buy this game or i'll kick your dog".

Very vague but I was a moderator on a forum for a cheat website (cheatplanet or something?) and somebody posted it there back after it was on that tv show.

banner ad on Powder Game

Googling Lego Games and it was one of those Google Ad links at the top

played it with a friend at his house and my dad thought it was cool so he bought it for me, used to use lego digital designer as a very small kid so this was the next step up I guess lol

played it with a friend at his house and my dad thought it was cool so he bought it for me, used to use lego digital designer as a very small kid so this was the next step up I guess lol
ayy digital designer gang. remember going into the preview thing and then using the button that would explode the model? that was epic
i also got a mindstorms set for xmas back in 2010 and played some lego universe back when that was a thing, never really played with actual lego funnily enough