Author Topic: Badspot came back (kinda)  (Read 46540 times)

If you have the choice to make something more beautiful or less, it takes a broken mind to choose less.
but that calls into question what someone's definition of beauty is. Like, what adds more value (aka beauty, but beyond physical appearance) to an art piece (videogame): everyone being beautiful because it's nice to look at, or character's appearances having a more realistic diversity (some are average looking, and some are above/below average)? It's not evident of a "broken mind" to choose the second option because it can make something more realistic/relatable to the audience, both of which increase value of the art piece (at least to those that care about those traits in art)

Argument confusing because:
1. some people say those women are actually attractive, not ugly
2. others say women in games shouldn't (always) be beautiful
Some waver back and forth between both points as it suits them.

If you have the choice to make something more beautiful or less, it takes a broken mind to choose less.
Beauty is subjective, I think it's the broken mind who can't see that.
Some people are gonna find these characters attractive others may not, but it really doesn't matter. Most of these characters aren't "uglified" old characters, they're new IPs or new games that none of you guys even play, stuff badspot doesn't even play them I could tell with his Diablo 4 druid argument when that character is designed to match the male one for gameplay reasons and the lore reason is that they're bear people, of course they're large.
I do give a stuff about the Dove commercial character cause that ones just weird, implying all female gamers are fat and don't shower, that's loving odd.

you are definitely someone on the right side of something
Right side of history for sure.

Right side of history for sure.
;) Not according to the controversy section on a lot of peoples wikipedia pages.

Right side of history for sure.
spoken like someone with a bad case of autistic transmission voice

spoken like someone with a bad case of autistic transmission voice
reported for flaming

If he actually cared about children at all he would be bitching the known institutions that actively hide child rape not about "Critical mass" Sodomy and Muslims.

edit: sorry my dog walked across my keyboard

Beauty is subjective, I think it's the broken mind who can't see that.
Some people are gonna find these characters attractive others may not, but it really doesn't matter. Most of these characters aren't "uglified" old characters, they're new IPs or new games that none of you guys even play, stuff badspot doesn't even play them I could tell with his Diablo 4 druid argument when that character is designed to match the male one for gameplay reasons and the lore reason is that they're bear people, of course they're large.
I do give a stuff about the Dove commercial character cause that ones just weird, implying all female gamers are fat and don't shower, that's loving odd.

this is the healthiest and most level headed take ive seen on this so far

this is the healthiest and most level headed take ive seen on this so far
And yet, it will soon be drowned in the badspot echo chamber. I ask you blocklanders, have we really escaped the botnet coming here, or have we simply created our own?

30+ year old research addicts when all women don't look like young white eastern european researchstars
You can stop reading at this point because this is the general consensus of dysgenics, and the majority of this forum, who project their research addiction and resentment towards the beautiful onto others. They can only conceptualize beauty in researchographic terms which is why he has to bring up Eastern European vixens to make some point about why it's actually good to make everyone ugly in all new media. Everything Badspot said is correct, modern Western society morally deifies above all the equity of the ugly, miscegenated freak. While beauty surely is subjective, it is also equally just as Naturally objective. Summarizing Kant, the interest in beauty is "moral," as it derives from our moral interest in practical ends; as such, one's interest in beauty indicates of one's “predisposition to a good moral disposition,” which is what is expected of others. When Western studios feel the need to make everyone ugly and remove any beauty from the medium, any morally sensible person will take notice and be revolted by it.

'i think afros look clown-ish is all hahahahaha'

I look like this and say this.

If you have the choice to make something more beautiful or less, it takes a broken mind to choose less.
agreed, this is why The Thing is a bad movie, because all the actors are shlubby regular looking guys, they had the option to cast beautiful hunks but John Carpenter's mind is broken.

I look like this and say this.
Mf'er came back from 2018 to say he looks and says tribal.