Author Topic: my final message to badspot  (Read 48671 times)

While Badspot is a pretty flawed and pathetic person, he doesn't deserve a lot of this blame for people's personal problems. Every person who still clings to this place despite thinking it was the worst thing ever should evaluate whether something was Badspot's fault or the fault of their upbringing. I'd wager a lot of these folks (Swallow included) were on here completely unsupervised while growing up, lacked the direction/support they needed as a child/teen, or were already suffering from unfortunate living circumstances in their offline life.

Really his worst crime would be telling a child on the Internet that they're an idiot. Nonetheless, I hope these folks get the genuine help they need, because blaming Badspot for their current troubles while convenient, is not going to help them in the long run.
Both Badspot and people's parents can be responsible for the situations many of the people on this forum found themselves in.

Parents for not supervising as they're neglecting to properly care for their kids, but it's also worth mentioning that even that is also not as clear cut as it first seems since the internet was still relatively new and most older people weren't familiar with it even going into the early 2010's when Blockland was at it's height in popularity.

Badspot is responsible because it's still his responsibility as the owner of the site to, you know, moderate it. You could argue that poor upbringing is the reason that people get into grooming situations, and you would largely be right. However, it's hard to deny that if Badspot actually banned many of the groomers (and we're not even getting into the racism/family values/telling the entire forum to kill themselves) then the risk of getting groomed on the Blockland Forums would be significantly lower even with the stuffty upbringing. This was something he was aware of and is completely within his power to accomplish, whether by hiring actual moderators or doing it himself.
Swollow, i understand why you're resentful, i really do (i also agree that badspot needs to get a bit of a grip)

but i seriously recommend you try to let go of that anger and blame, i held resentment towards this place for years and it negatively impacted my life without me realizing. 

letting go and forgiving is not condoning the actions or agreeing with anyone, it's nothing more than taking the weight off your own shoulders and not allowing the people who hurt you to have power in your life.

it's going to be okay.

also try to remember what you're doing at your current age vs what trolls did at the same age back then, and that should tell you that you're far better off than any of them.

Badspot's opinions are wacky and he's really out there, but it shouldn't bother you that much. don't even worry about it and just breath.

you seem like you went through some stuff but seriously, you just beat life on hard mode and should be proud of that.

who should we even blame for this kind of stuff?

i blame the 2000s. i blame ignorance towards mental illness and the internet.

i blame the times and the society we lived in for endorsing that kind of behavior. a lot of us hid this kind of stuff from our parents, leaving them unable to properly supervise us.

i used to hold badspot and his moderation responsible, but i realized he was unable to control the community due to either his own mental issues or not understanding the depth of internet harassment. i'm not excusing the type of stuff he allowed to fester, i'm just saying i don't blame him for it.

hell, the way he discusses and views the opposite love could be evident women treated him badly, we don't know what happened in his life.

At one point i began blaming the community as a whole, then i realized not everyone was responsible or "knew better"

finally i blamed the perpetrators themselves, but then i realized something probably happened in their life to make them act like a richard or want to kick down at children.

the ones that turned into freaks were probably touched, this does not excuse child enthusiasm, obviously, but it's a true fact. loveual predators usually come from a long string of abuse that never got properly dealt with. they are forgeted up and sick in the head, obviously not condoning their actions, and yes they should still be held responsible for such actions.

i'm just saying if society had given them the proper help at a young age they could probably recover and be a normal person. (yes i know some people are just wicked and do it for no reason, those are the ones that need to be punished/executed/locked up/whatever)

there is probably some kind of weird psychological stuff we don't understand yet. there is probably something mentally going on with the people who used the internet at a young age, we were the first generation exposed to this kind of technological bullstuff during a crucial age.

so in short, i just blame the world for being a forgeted up place. we grew up in a really weird time (i don't need to explain how trashy the 2000s were) and just need to do what we can to end the cycle and deal with these newfound issues that literally did not exist 40 years ago.

People meet like minded people all the time, abused often befriend abusers for familiarity; thinking that's how a relationship should work. People unsupervised and with stuffty parents often befriend others in the same situation. People with PTSD find solace in others who also have PTSD strangely enough. Healthy and successful people befriend other healthy and successful people. There's an adage for all of this: "Show me who your friends are and I'll tell you who you are."

The point I want to make is that the world isn't broken or especially bad, but it appears broken as that's all you see and are familiar with; seeing positive and healthy people with a good outlook on the world doesn't resonate and often aren't befriended subconsciously due to the unfamiliarity and lack of understanding of each other. This is also why rich kids/young adults are genuinely surprised to hear not everyone gets a Ferrari for their birthday (and you are surprised that they do); they both didn't get an opportunity (private schooling) nor did they befriend or properly get to know someone when they did have the chance.

The world is both thriving and broken, and whether or not it is thriving or broken for you is determined by how you see it and what you're familiar with.

why would it be a shock when they've shared multiple times their gender status?
Not everyone may know this person or their post history

but it's also worth mentioning that even that is also not as clear cut as it first seems since the internet was still relatively new and most older people weren't familiar with it even going into the early 2010's when Blockland was at it's height in popularity.
That is true.

Badspot is responsible because it's still his responsibility as the owner of the site to, you know, moderate it. You could argue that poor upbringing is the reason that people get into grooming situations, and you would largely be right. However, it's hard to deny that if Badspot actually banned many of the groomers (and we're not even getting into the racism/family values/telling the entire forum to kill themselves) then the risk of getting groomed on the Blockland Forums would be significantly lower even with the stuffty upbringing. This was something he was aware of and is completely within his power to accomplish, whether by hiring actual moderators or doing it himself.
Problem is even if he genuinely cared and was proactive in stopping it, he would've still been quite powerless to stop it. Grooming often happens outside the site where they meet there victim, where a predator can maintain a better private channel of communication with their victim (ex. Steam, Skype, Discord, etc).
This by itself is why keeping children safe online has always been notoriously difficult and why even big platforms still struggle to deal with it. The best line of defense to prevent a child from being groomed will always start at home.

Even if it was brought to Badspot's attention and he had banned the predator's forum account and revoked their key for good measure- it's already too late because the grooming has been taken elsewhere where Badspot cannot moderate. If most of these grooming attempts were initiated via forum PM, he would not have known about it unless the victim had reported it.

Problem is even if he genuinely cared and was proactive in stopping it, he would've still been quite powerless to stop it. Grooming often happens outside the site where they meet there victim, where a predator can maintain a better private channel of communication with their victim (ex. Steam, Skype, Discord, etc).
This by itself is why keeping children safe online has always been notoriously difficult and why even big platforms still struggle to deal with it. The best line of defense to prevent a child from being groomed will always start at home.

Even if it was brought to Badspot's attention and he had banned the predator's forum account and revoked their key for good measure- it's already too late because the grooming has been taken elsewhere where Badspot cannot moderate. If most of these grooming attempts were initiated via forum PM, he would not have known about it unless the victim had reported it.
Banning the forum account + revoking their key would certainly help prevent future victims, especially if they're put on a ban on sight list. Of course you can't stop it, but it can certainly be mitigated; Badspot had not taken any of these measures to mitigate these behaviors. Also, they would likely wind up messaging someone who did know the signs and report it. It's not a guarantee for sure. However, it's not the fact that he failed to prevent it; it's the fact he took no measures at all to prevent or mitigate it unless it was glaringly obvious and sometimes not even then.

I wouldn't be assigning a decent amount of blame to Badspot if he took steps to not let things like this happen.

swollow's first post was so wholesome

Banning the forum account + revoking their key would certainly help prevent future victims, especially if they're put on a ban on sight list. Of course you can't stop it, but it can certainly be mitigated; Badspot had not taken any of these measures to mitigate these behaviors. Also, they would likely wind up messaging someone who did know the signs and report it. It's not a guarantee for sure. However, it's not the fact that he failed to prevent it; it's the fact he took no measures at all to prevent or mitigate it unless it was glaringly obvious and sometimes not even then.

I wouldn't be assigning a decent amount of blame to Badspot if he took steps to not let things like this happen.
My apologies, I hadn't considered a lot of this. When you put it like that, I wholeheartedly agree.

Banning the forum account + revoking their key would certainly help prevent future victims, especially if they're put on a ban on sight list. Of course you can't stop it, but it can certainly be mitigated; Badspot had not taken any of these measures to mitigate these behaviors. Also, they would likely wind up messaging someone who did know the signs and report it. It's not a guarantee for sure. However, it's not the fact that he failed to prevent it; it's the fact he took no measures at all to prevent or mitigate it unless it was glaringly obvious and sometimes not even then.
Plenty of people have been banned and some even key revoked over the years. Before your forum account was tied to a BLID, repeat offenders wouldn't just get "forum account" banned they would get IP banned. However, an easy way around this was to use a VPN or Proxy Server Website (i.e HideMyAss). When that started becoming popular Badspot implemented a thing to catch people using popular proxy websites to access the forum and make a new account. This proved to be impossible seeing as how there are tons and tons of proxy servers anyone could use to gain access - a blacklist simply wouldn't work. So, in order to stop repeat offenders from making a new forum account and continuing what they were doing, Badspot made each forum account tied to a purchased BLID as a way to deter people from doing stuff to get banned. Unfortunately even a strategy like that could do nothing to stop some kid from getting his parents credit card and doing it all over again. Now forum accounts are literally locked. To say he took no measures at all to prevent or address toxic behavior is incredibly inaccurate

Plenty of people have been banned and some even key revoked over the years.
Yet there were few, if any, documented cases of groomers getting banned which is what this conversation is about.

Before your forum account was tied to a BLID, repeat offenders wouldn't just get "forum account" banned they would get IP banned. However, an easy way around this was to use a VPN or Proxy Server Website (i.e HideMyAss). When that started becoming popular Badspot implemented a thing to catch people using popular proxy websites to access the forum and make a new account. This proved to be impossible seeing as how there are tons and tons of proxy servers anyone could use to gain access - a blacklist simply wouldn't work.
I used to do this, and you're right. However, it's certainly mitigation and isn't the norm in the new system, especially for groomers which I'll talk about in the next quote. Of course, none of this works if they don't get banned in the first place. Again, I don't think there were many (or potentially any) documented cases of groomers getting banned.

So, in order to stop repeat offenders from making a new forum account and continuing what they were doing, Badspot made each forum account tied to a purchased BLID as a way to deter people from doing stuff to get banned. Unfortunately even a strategy like that could do nothing to stop some kid from getting his parents credit card and doing it all over again. Now forum accounts are literally locked.
Did you miss the core point of the conversation? This is about groomers, not the Iban types of the forum. Yet you seem to be talking about the latter. Buying a new BLID isn't a big deal when you can literally make a huge profit off of grooming children. Sure, IP banning and ban on sight isn't going to work 100% of the time, but it's going to work a lot better than what essentially amounts to nothing in this scenario. Forum account registration being locked doesn't matter because it eventually kills the forum anyways.

To say he took no measures at all to prevent or address toxic behavior is incredibly inaccurate
Show me some examples of groomers getting banned by Badspot for grooming. I could also argue about how moderation for even toxic behavior was woefully inadequate, but then we get into an argument over moderation philosophy, so keep it at groomers which should be cut and dry.

rlly not trying to sit here and go on a BL history-venture to dig up old posts and bans. moderation was something that dwindled here as time went on and activity died down, not that it was super great to begin with but we had something.

because you asked though I did sift through some of baddy's old posts to jog my mind since it's been literal YEARS. This one dealt with a group of problem users - though I'm not very familiar with these people so I don't know if any of them were/are "groomers", but stuff like this was somewhat common back in the day. i'm sure it's more the further you go back in the blf history

Life sucks, and we all go through stuff. Let’s not trace our problems back to an online lego game

blaming Badspot for their current troubles while convenient, is not going to help them in the long run.

overall, I agree with these posts.

besides, if there is anyone to blame it's the people who did the acts. A hypothetical situation for comparison: lets say you get robbed your life savings at an atm and it's all on camera. So naturally you report the crime to the authorities and they review the footage. You expect them to catch this guy. A few weeks go by and they can't find him.. months, years...decades go by and they still never founds the guy. Are you going to blame the investigators for your stolen life savings, or are you going to blame the thief? Of course this answer should be obvious - you can be mad at the investigators for not doing a more thorough job, sure. maybe they were underpaid, lazy, or just didn't give a forget. but if you actually pin the blame on them instead of the initial robber that is some terribly forgeted up logic

Folks such as Bisjac and Otis da Houskat were openly spewing predatory stuff and still had a notable community presence for years. Bisjac having such a proximity or being acquainted enough with Badspot to regularly mention that he would watch his kids. The only things that got you banned on here was being overly loving annoying, crashing servers, or excessive flaming/posting 18+ material. Thats it. Any other behavior was essentially ignored save for some extremely rare exceptions, I'm sure. To say that Badspot didn't take measures to prevent these things from happening is definitely not "incredibly inaccurate". Like it's straight up reality.

It's one thing to have lax moderation and to let adolescents interact with each-other on a forum with more freedom than others, but obviously there were issues in addressing these individuals or else there wouldn't be this collective contempt about the fact that the behavior went mostly unaddressed.

I could see if Badspot took all the steps to deny these people access to BL and they somehow came back anyway like there's not really much more you can do there, but like Trymos said, there were no measures taken.

what was that drama series where badspot would expose support emails? like Badspot would rather broadcast the concerns of an uneducated parent worried out about their child being groomed on the exact same forum to the same lurking creeps instead of just telling the parent there's nothing more he can do other than what he can do. yeah at the time it was entertainment because of how this forum is...but that's just...bad, dude...

Folks such as Bisjac and Otis da Houskat were openly spewing predatory stuff and still had a notable community presence for years. Bisjac having such a proximity or being acquainted enough with Badspot to regularly mention that he would watch his kids. The only things that got you banned on here was being overly loving annoying, crashing servers, or excessive flaming/posting 18+ material. Thats it. Any other behavior was essentially ignored save for some extremely rare exceptions, I'm sure. To say that Badspot didn't take measures to prevent these things from happening is definitely not "incredibly inaccurate". Like it's straight up reality.

It's one thing to have lax moderation and to let adolescents interact with each-other on a forum with more freedom than others, but obviously there were issues in addressing these individuals or else there wouldn't be this collective contempt about the fact that the behavior went mostly unaddressed.

I could see if Badspot took all the steps to deny these people access to BL and they somehow came back anyway like there's not really much more you can do there, but like Trymos said, there were no measures taken.

know of bisjac but not otis

what was that drama series where badspot would expose support emails? like Badspot would rather broadcast the concerns of an uneducated parent worried out about their child being groomed on the exact same forum to the same lurking creeps instead of just telling the parent there's nothing more he can do other than what he can do. yeah at the time it was entertainment because of how this forum is...but that's just...bad, dude...
badspots mailbag, that stuff was hilarious

what was that drama series where badspot would expose support emails? like Badspot would rather broadcast the concerns of an uneducated parent worried out about their child being groomed on the exact same forum to the same lurking creeps instead of just telling the parent there's nothing more he can do other than what he can do. yeah at the time it was entertainment because of how this forum is...but that's just...bad, dude...

first one is just absolute cringe to look at

hey guys i was in stasis what did i miss