Author Topic: Anonymous?  (Read 8906 times)

Today was the Boston Gay Parade (Learned that the hard way.....) and while walking an Anonymous (?????/B/?????) gave out Scientology things. Is this normal? Or is there another 'attack' about to happen.

Today was the Boston Gay Parade (Learned that the hard way.....) and while walking an Anonymous (?????/B/?????) gave out Scientology things. Is this normal? Or is there another 'attack' about to happen.
Gay as a happy word or gay as in homoloveual?

Two men one. No one is going to throw a parade for being happy. Unless you are a rich guy with no life.

Today was the Boston Gay Parade (Learned that the hard way.....) and while walking an Anonymous (?????/B/?????) gave out Scientology things. Is this normal? Or is there another 'attack' about to happen.
Gay as a happy word or gay as in homoloveual?

This is Massachusetts we are talking about,

Gay as in buttsecks gay.

No, it's because the Scientology is a lie.

we should have a gay pirate parade

scientology is the believe of aliens for religion right?

scientology is the believe of aliens for religion right?

Scientology's philosophy is that there was a planet of aliens that was highly overpopulated. So, a dictatorious alien packed giant space-planes full of citizens and shipped them off to Earth. A Hydrogen bomb was placed into a volcano and detonated, killing all the aliens that existed on the planet.  The result was billions of Alien Spirits roaming the Earth known as 'Thetans' that attached to people's souls and caused negative things to happen in their lives. Only Scientology can rid a person of these Thetans by paying for their equipment.

At least that's what I remember.

At any rate, scifiraids are for friends. Everyone thinks their so cool because they joined a secret group of anonymous Internet terrorists. Ruined the god damn Chans. I thought they were stuff BEFORE all the loving elitist friends took over.

You see, that's where the argument gets clouded. See the religion part isn't so much of the big deal (hurrr like any religion can be proved real or not real, i.e: Jesus walking on water hmmm... not to mention 12 appendaged Indians doing whatever they do), although you can hate anyone you want for whatever reason.
I don't hate people for having a religion, no matter how bogus it may seem (unless its a complete farce and/or millitant/rogue). It's their complete domination of their member's lives which is the problem. They basically extort and blackmail their members to any extent they want. Their members get the short end of the stick, and I guess all they have to show for it is some satisfaction that they are slowly decreasing 'theatans' or some crap like that. Drain thy wallet and thy soul.

I was in a Gmod building server, and a anon cigarette came and crashed it :/

I was in a Gmod building server, and a anon cigarette came and crashed it :/


I don't kid

It was like this

Anonymous has connected
Chasey - Lol 4Chan :P
Chasey - So I herd you liek Mudkips
Anonymous - Learn the name
Anonymous - Fear the face
Anonymous - Remeber the Organization
Anonymous - [Insert more bull stuff here]

Last thing I saw was about 30 Phx bombs asploading and clipping through each other.

...a rich guy with no life.
At which point you become the other gay. It's a vicious circle.

Really though they better shape the forget up and quit being friends or they're going to lose everyone that's fighting for the cause and eventually lose the war. They won a couple key things, but that doesn't mean it's even nearly over. They have to stop acting like pricks and chill the forget out.