Sure, a BSD license would be great, but the GPL license will suffice for most users here unless they are designing military weapons systems or plan on packaging it up and selling it to their friends. I realize it's a bit more complex than that but it's basically the limit of what the average user needs to be worried about.
Look, I really don't buy the idea that shouldn't use a piece of software because it's license is restrictive. I still use autocad for schoolwork despite the fact I can only use it on one computer and will lose it as soon as I'm out of college, so there isn't really a great reason why you shouldn't use a piece of software that will allow you to, at the very least, make a decal.
I'd apreciate if next time you would post a link to an image editor under that license so that we could use it. I couldn't find one in my 30 seconds of looking around wikipedia, but I'm sure you've got a great program that is also cross-platform will run on everyone's macs and windows pcs.
Also, if you don't mind me asking, please don't say "long story" to me again. I find it insulting. I don't have a problem reading a couple of paragraphs if it means I can actually understand your point of view. Since you wouldn't give me the story, I just looked it up somewhere else, and it might not be representative of what you wanted to say.