Author Topic: Ladios's Slate Edits 1.4.2 *old, may not work*  (Read 29616 times)

I like, but ill download tomorow

the maps are bad for vehicles...
when you crash into the ground you go through... :(
also when you are small the ground acts like water.
if there is no way to fix this... well... I  do not like your maps. :(w

The vehicle thing is not my problem; Torque is terrible at collisions. Cars and such go through the bedroom just as easily as slate maps (difference being, in slate maps you have more room to go faster thus hit the ground at potentially higher speeds)
As for being small, the maps are made with water (it has to be water in order for it to be seen without much of a download. I do not want to force people to download redundant .ter files). The water is exactly at the ground level in order to avoid the maps looking weird like you are floating a few inches in the air everywhere.

Dang it! I want these as I want JVS. But host-a doesn't work. What should I do?

What do you mean "doesn't work". I need more information so I can solve the problem.

I wish the Maps wouldn't forget up. When you switch to a Slate Edit, it seems to lose huge Chunks of Terrain.
That only happened to me once

also when you are small the ground acts like water.

I know, it sucks.


About Yuki's problem just reload the map again.

What do you mean "doesn't work". I need more information so I can solve the problem.
What I mean by doesn't work is that when I click the download it goes to the Host-a page. When I click download on Host-a it goes to a blank page. I said the same thing to Trader when I tried to download JVS for V9. He only said "Get internet that doesn't suck." I really want these but host-a doesn't seem to be working. Please find a solution.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2008, 10:06:42 AM by Ocelot »

« Last Edit: August 21, 2008, 10:07:58 AM by Ocelot »

Is there any way we could download only 1

With the way the files are packaged an put together combined with v9's new .zip only rule, I cannot seperate the maps or else everyone would have to download each map twice which is not any bit efficient.

I love the edits!
one question though...

on some of the maps (desert for example) have a HUGE gaping black square of death in the ground at all times.
you can still walk/build like any normal construct map but it looks really ugly.
any ideas?
(this was happening in the previous version as well)