Author Topic: Variable/Conditional Events (V.4)  (Read 62073 times)

I mean Instead of the setVariable, addVariable, multiplyVariable ect... being only available under The player and the client, It would also be under Self (or the brick name)

Oh, I see. So you can have the variable set in the brick and be the same for everyone that uses it. Could be usefull.

Can you show an example of how to do this.
You click a certain brick and get 2 dollars.
Then you click another and get 2 dollars.
Then you click another and a light turns on.
But it only turns the light on if you have 4 dollars?

On destinys server I made a machine that will make a gun if you put 5 iron you get from a pile into it.

Example 1 : Destiny's Mines

This is example 1, showing how to make a mining system. You mine the ore (Click on the 2x2s) then smelt it (Click on the fire) then click on the middle of the anvil to forge a sword. Or you can trade it for gold with the gold brick.

Well, Thanks for kicking my builds ass. :<

Meh, double post.

But, Anyone mind explaining the difference between the Client and Player options?

Is there a way to see what you're Variable is set to?

Is there a way to see what you're Variable is set to?

That will be in version 2.

Meh, double post.

But, Anyone mind explaining the difference between the Client and Player options?

Client remembers the variables the whole time your on the server. Player's variables get wiped on death.


Example 2 : Keys for Doors
This shows how to make keys for doors. (NOTE: You need JVS doors for this to work)
Walk over the yellow brick(Key) to pick it up, then press the red brick to wipe keys.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2008, 02:01:14 AM by Destiny/Zack0Wack0 »

I've seen what it can do, this is possibly the best event add-on to date.

Very good job.

This Is Pretty Cool,  But it Would be The Best If you could store The Variables in the bricks.  Also the ability to add one variable to another.
Right I'll get to this.

It is amazing what you can do now with events if you have these.  :cookieMonster:


Version 2 will include the following aswell as everything in v1:
ifBrickExists - You enter a brickname and it searches through all the bricks to see if they'res a brick under that name.
ifAdmin & ifSuper- Kinda obvious what these do.
ifColorEquals - Checks the color of the brick.
ifHasItem - Check to see if a player has a certain item in their inventory. You need to type the exact uiName for the item for example; Hammer, to search for a hammer.

Brick Variables - All the same things you can do with player and client, only you can use them with bricks too.
CntrPrintVariable - Shows the variable value in center print.
BttmPrintVariable - Shows the variable value in bottom print.
ChatMsgVariable - Shows the variable value in the chat box.

And lots of other things.