Author Topic: Religious cigarette?  (Read 8377 times)

We're here, aren't we? Why bother trying to find out the reason for our existence?

There appears to be an angry mob of physics professors who would like a word with you.

There appears to be an angry mob of physics professors who would like a word with you.
Can they wait? I'm busy with a school project right now. Tell them tomorrow would work better.

I see...but can it crush cars? :cookieMonster: LOEEL!one!111Oen

Religion is for those who fear death the most. For more information, search for the "Is there life after death?" topic in Off topic and read what me and IbanZ had to say.

Stop with that god damn "but can it crush cars" bullstuff.

I see...but can it crush cars? :cookieMonster: LOEEL!one!111Oen

Some cigarettes decided that it would be funny to spam the forums with that.

These folk can believe whatever they want for all I care, as long as they stay the forget out of the way.

I'm glad all of them can't wrap their heads around quantum physics and are afraid to touch it because of that. If they knew what we were dealing with in modern science they'd probably storm the LHC and dismantle it because we're "tresspassing on god's turf" or some stuff. They do still think that Einstein is more evil then Riddler because he ushered us into a new age of understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe, which led to the development of the atomic bomb. Actually, I think Einstein was forced into aiding in its development if I recall correctly, but whatever.

Point is, as long as these people stay the forget out of business then it doesn't matter what they believe in. As long as it makes their day then shoot, go hog wild. If one of these stupid forgets somehow gains some important place of power then that's when everyone should start worrying.

Religion is for those who fear death the most. For more information, search for the "Is there life after death?" topic in Off topic and read what me and IbanZ had to say.
Not really, religion is for those who want a higher purpose than just "we live and then we die." I'm religious and I don't fear death, but I do fear the pain that comes before it.
It seems most people are just taught what religion is, but not what it is to them. The new movie coming out called Religulous addresses this.

Why can't religious people be open to other religions or theories..?

I'm religious, but I don't prance around trying to convert people, or tell people of other religion that it is wrong.

I also don't shove evolution out of the way because of my religion.
I would respond by saying why can't unreligious people be open minded to other possibilities? And not all religious people are close minded, but it is human nature to have our biases.

"I didn't read this book because it had the E word."
This E word that the person was referring to was evolution.
Isn't that wonderful how some people won't even consider it? These people push evolution to the side without knowing anything about it.
Just because he believes in something that you don't he is a cigarette? We make the best desicions possible with the limited information at hand, and if he believes it is wrong then don't condemn him for that. I honestly don't want to believe in it, but I am open minded to it - especially with the theory of intelligent design.

These folk can believe whatever they want for all I care, as long as they stay the forget out of the way.

I'm glad all of them can't wrap their heads around quantum physics and are afraid to touch it because of that. If they knew what we were dealing with in modern science they'd probably storm the LHC and dismantle it because we're "tresspassing on god's turf" or some stuff. They do still think that Einstein is more evil then Riddler because he ushered us into a new age of understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe, which led to the development of the atomic bomb. Actually, I think Einstein was forced into aiding in its development if I recall correctly, but whatever.

Point is, as long as these people stay the forget out of business then it doesn't matter what they believe in. As long as it makes their day then shoot, go hog wild. If one of these stupid forgets somehow gains some important place of power then that's when everyone should start worrying.
We do stay out of the way, and life is great isn't it? Corruption, greed, the gain of progress through the lack of immorality. Stop judging us to be inferior. Sure, I don't indulge in knowledge, but I have seen what doing so does to people. Everyone who perfers intelligence over anything else becomes immoral, heartless, selfish, and uncreative - have you noticed the lack of creativity in reality lately (the same violence / action / love movies, games that rip off other games such as Halo, etc.), this is a sign that evil is increasing in society. That is why most religious people are against certain advancements. I do agree that some religious people may be too protective, but don't hate them for that. Morals and intelligence shouldn't be seperated, they should be united to provide a moral foundation in which to reach advancements. And if I recall, Albert Einstein believed in God, and his works revolved around that; they had a documentary about him on the Discovery Channel a few days ago.

My only huge problem with religion, is those dumb asses that think they're religious, but act like a loving douche bags. They try to spread it and enforce it on you, even though they hardly follow the ways of it themselves.

Evil has always been in society, and it's not like one religion is going to stop every single person from doing it themselves, because everyone is close minded, and other people are just too irresponsible to do anything about it. Most don't give a care.

Well as far as I know, several religions exist with the rule about how if you don't belong to said religion then you're going to hell. So We're all going to hell no matter what we believe in. So why bother?

Also, what if evolution WAS God's plan? God is an incredibly long lived deity. Who's to say that 6-7 days for him doesn't equal a few billion years for us. It's only Human arrogance to assume god goes by time set by the very beings he/she created. Otherwise, all humans across the history of the world would have had exact calendars that correspond to each other and we'd have one continuous system. But we don't, we didn't, and I doubt we ever will so long as people have their way with things. (daylight savings time much?)

And lastly, Ghost has a lot of good points as well.

I try and stay neutral by not giving a forget either way.

On another, somewhat similar subject, this all reminds me of a time in science class. My teacher was explaining how last year's class had made a time line of the Earth going all the way around the classroom. After she said that our existence was only a small part of that time line, my Christian friend got pissed, and started going on about the usual "the Earth is 6000 years old" and "carbon dating is wrong" bull stuff.

My theory is that every species that has ever existed are all still around, most are just in hiding.

First person to get the reference wins 20 internets.

Oh boy, the classic people who aren't religious have no morals argument.

Immature judgemental statement meant to demean
WRONG, it's the classic argument that science and morals should be united, because science proves religion has truth and explains things, and religion keeps things in order. Another point that I'm trying to make which you just proved is Don't Judge.