Author Topic: Religious cigarette?  (Read 8375 times)

Because it is fun to argue.

It's redundant and totally useless.

-Atheist tries to disprove God.
-Christian proclaims faith.
-Atheist tries to disprove God.
-Christian grows angry.
-Atheist grows angry.
-Atheist slanders Christian personally.
-Christian slanders Atheist personally.
-Both hate each other.

Humans love arguements. I have no idea why, but to me it is fun to debate about stuff.

I agree, but when it comes to nothing but pissing friends off..  it's gone too far. I'm not angry, but I see random people showing newfound hatred towards each other. It's pointless.

I, as a Christian, do not force anything on anyone. Atheists should not force anything on us.

That's one thing I don't mind about arguing on the forums. I'm not friends with most of the frequent posters so I'm not pissing friends off.

Internet or not, you aquire friends...  or "buddies."

Bones, you are my type or religious person. I don't mind you having it or practicing it. When you start trying to witness (convert) me it will be a big insult to me. I dont ask others to change their religion/lack there of due to mine and I expect others to do the same. That is what this whole topic is about.

On another note, your avatar is freaking epic.

I dont ask others to change their religion/lack there of due to mine and I expect others to do the same.

I agree. I have argued about religion before, but you can search the forum and see that I have not once pushed it on someone. I have only defended myself.

That is what this whole topic is about.

...yet people still end up arguing.

Internet or not, you aquire friends...  or "buddies."

I have plenty of friends on the internet, I'm just saying that most of them don't visit the forums much.

I agree. I have argued about religion before, but you can search the forum and see that I have not once pushed it on someone. I have only defended myself.

...yet people still end up arguing.
Arguing is a simple form of debate. If a person is to be a true friend, they would not mind the other person and their ways and would simply go on. If they can not get over the fact that they are different in any aspect they would end up breaking the friendstuff anyways.

That's a valid point.

Then I think we can say that this topic has had it's time.

We do stay out of the way, and life is great isn't it? Corruption, greed, the gain of progress through the lack of immorality. Stop judging us to be inferior. Sure, I don't indulge in knowledge, but I have seen what doing so does to people. Everyone who perfers intelligence over anything else becomes immoral, heartless, selfish, and uncreative - have you noticed the lack of creativity in reality lately (the same violence / action / love movies, games that rip off other games such as Halo, etc.), this is a sign that evil is increasing in society. That is why most religious people are against certain advancements. I do agree that some religious people may be too protective, but don't hate them for that. Morals and intelligence shouldn't be seperated, they should be united to provide a moral foundation in which to reach advancements. And if I recall, Albert Einstein believed in God, and his works revolved around that; they had a documentary about him on the Discovery Channel a few days ago.

I wasn't too clear in my post and I apologize. The people I was referring to are the ones who want to push their beliefs, be they what they may be, onto other people while they themselves not possessing any rational to comprehend that it does not and should not work that way. Then they attack anyone who comes up with an idea that contradicts theirs, causing what could be a brilliant idea to suffer and pass under the radar because it got tangled in a "bad mess" and now no one wants anything to do with it. Ultimately they slow down the progress of humanity as a whole. These are the forgets I hate, the people who undermine others and their ideas only to try and enforce their own ideas. These guys can be from the scientific community or religious community or from the grocery store, it doesn't matter where they come from, only that they all share the same intentions of shooting down anyone else who happens to contradict what they believe.

Now I will admit the world is corrupted with all kinds of folk scheming to use other human beings as means to get themselves loaded and whatnot. When has this not been the case? Sure it seems more chaotic nowadays with over 6 billion people around but the world has always been in a state of chaos ever since civilization began developing. Back in the day where religion predominated, religious bodies were pretty badly corrupted. I mean, during many times of our history anyone opposing the predominant religion was quickly killed, most times tortured to death. We can't blame the religion as a whole for that, but we can blame the forgets who came up with the idea of torturing and killing anyone who refused to see it their way. These guys are still around today, willing to do everything in their power to halt other peoples' progress, be it scientific or religious or both. They resort to many many tactics, usually taking the route that requires the least amount of work to get what they want, that's simply the way they are. These people aren't "evil" or any of that nonsense, they're just very dense and can't grasp the meaning of life and what it is that matters. I blame the media and poor educational system.

Of course, the huge problem today is these guys can go around and do their stuff fairly quietly. Many of our problems today are actually caused by these guys. I know simply because material related problems are allot easier to track down and figure out, I mean if there's a bunch of sinkholes popping out around a city you can easily think "Aha! There's a system of caverns underneath and they're caving in!" and then figure out a way to solve it. The caverns aren't going to magically run off to hide somewhere, covering their tracks, they don't give a forget if they're uncovered. People on the other hand will actively cover their tracks, and the casual observer would never notice anything.

Of course, they can be found and then the problem can be resorted, it only takes people who are actively working to uncover these guys. The requirement for this is something that's amiss to many people nowadays, a little something called Selflessness. You have to sacrifice some effort to make some improvement, and in this case the effort goes into removing the guys causing corruption from their positions in power.

Sorry to be an ass but can we have a TL;DR? I have not the patience today to read all that in a sitting.

Sorry to be an ass but can we have a TL;DR? I have not the patience today to read all that in a sitting.
Sorry my bad, I meant the jerks that try to kick anyone else who contradicts them out of the picture.

They can be from anywhere: religious, scientific, grocery store, doesn't matter.

They are the source of corruption in humanity.

They are selfish and do the just required amount of work to gain what they want.

They are difficult to track as a source of problems as they cover their own tracks. If you don't actively look for them you'll never find them at work.

You need to be selfless to find them (or maybe you just want to steal their position, that happens too).