Author Topic: Religious cigarette?  (Read 8376 times)

Good point. People are constantly downing others just to get something. It is the whole bully thing. Everyone wants something and some will go to more extremes then others to get it. Even if they have to betray their own ideals.

oh the world today, that kind of behavior sucks now doesn't it?

which is exactly why i spend all of my days behind a computer typing to my friends and playing blockland.. because that way i cant get corrupted!

Internet can corrupt people too. Corruption is not a matter of social isolation, there are many sociable people who are not corrupted, rather a matter of conscience, morals, and persistence. If you are living according to your ideals (making some healthy compromises at time though, when it is ABSOLUTELY necessary) then you can't get corrupted.

I have been corrupted. I'm an not loveist or tribal, but I have random thoughts pop into my head that would contradict that.

Aren't we all corrupted to a certain degree?

corrupted from what? by saying that, your stating there is a norm that people are not living up to.
don't press your beliefs and traditions on me.


corrupted from what? by saying that, your stating there is a norm that people are not living up to.
don't press your beliefs and traditions on me.


I guess, I'm in a good mood today.
Should we be frightened or start demanding for the real Otis? lol

Should we be frightened or start demanding for the real Otis? lol

I don't think you guys are corrupted. When someone is corrupted, their rational thinking which would potentially make them a good person is twisted by others. If someone hammers the message "Other races are scum" into your brain over and over again, sooner or later you'll give in to that as common knowledge and never give a second thought about it, although still knowing it's not right in the back of your mind. The folk who twist your mind like that know it's not right, but they do it anyways for some sort of personal gain.

In your cases I wouldn't say you're corrupted, but you can be victims of corruption which is another story altogether. A system can be corrupted by a person so as to have the system benefit that person, while leaving everyone else who is part of that system to suffer the consequences. When it's very apparent then it presents itself as a challenge and that ultimately pushes you to better yourself in whatever needed aspects, which isn't entirely a bad thing. But, when it isn't obvious and you're simply oblivious to it, then it's a consequence that could accumulate itself until it hits you full force without you knowing what the forget happened. Then it's no longer a case of whether or not you'll come on top of it as a better man, it's a case of whether or not you'll even survive it. In today's world I think everyone can feel it, the stuff's just getting bigger and bigger and sooner or later something's gonna give and the stuff's going to hit the fan. When that happens only the strong and prepared among us will survive, everyone else sad to say will not. That's usually how these things work out.

On a side note, you might be wondering whether you yourself are crooked or not. Well the good news is simply asking yourself that is a pretty good insight, since you're taking the time to ask yourself the question in the first place. Unfortunately that's where the happy-go-lucky part of it ends. Ultimately the determination of whether you are good or bad goes right down to what you've been subject to during your life. Maybe you're a greedy bastard only looking out for number one ever since you've been given everything in life you could ever want, and you think yourself never needing to even give a thought about others, other then how to manipulate them into giving you what you desire? Or perhaps you were subject to many hardships which pushed you to ponder your circumstances, ultimately to try and understand why you were the victim, or whether your own self even mattered, in the end coming out of that hardship with a better understanding of what it is in life that matters the most? Or more likely you're somewhere in the middle.

In any case you can easily tell if you're Good or Bad, it all comes down to your actions, what thought you give to them, your rational. Let me ask you the question: do you think?