Author Topic: The Gas prices...  (Read 13536 times)

Their not going to lower with the Market Cash.

Do you guys have a pretty solid pubic transportation system?

Am i the only one who noticed?
« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 05:34:00 AM by IsaacKronenFaust »


gas prices should start lowering across the country because oil was $150 a barrel (at it's high) now it's $88 a barrel and dropping.
Prices in my area are forty cents higher than they were in February, which was the last time oil was $88 a barrel.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 06:08:17 AM by Otis Da HousKat »

The oil companies are too greedy.

I was saying that in response to the person who thought gas prices would go down much when the barrel prices went down.

I was saying that in response to the person who thought gas prices would go down much when the barrel prices went down.
Use quotes next time then. Are you Kaphix or something?

The oil companies are too greedy.

No, OPEC is.

2 main effects on the price of petroleum...

1. Price OPEC decides to sell it at
2. Price traders choose to pay per barrel (this affects #1).

Oil companies simply refine the crude oil that is bought and convert it various products like gasoline for automobiles and even into plastics. The cost that they add onto the cost of crude oil is small, but there are enough people buying it that their profits are huge. Oil companies aren't angelic businesses, but they don't deserve alot of the flak they receive for the cost of gas.

OK, first off, what does it mean when some one just says "This" after quoting a post? I see that a lot on the facepunch forums and I really can't figure out what it means. Is it like QFT?

As for the world just waltzing along it's merry way if the American economy collapses...ha ha ha.

300 million consumers, millions of businesses and crucial technology centers are all located in or a part of the US. That's why they call it a "Global Economy". The current financial crCIA is a perfect example of this; a few risky loans default in America and banks across the world go to stuff.

I'm not saying that America is the "best/most powerful" economic power in the world, there are several other countries that could qualify for that. However, the loss of America would be a substantial blow to the world.

It's like QFT.

Also it would be a blow to the world economy, but it would recover were it not for the global problems not affiliated with the US.

You forget, there are several other factors that are affecting the global economy. It just so happens the US was the first to fall to them in this case. If the US was in this predicament without all the other crap going on, like rise in oil prices and rise in china export prices and agricultural problems, it would certainly not be a huge destructive thing against the whole world economy. It would be a shame, that's it, and everyone would keep going after that.

The world economy is suffering from the same global problems as the US economy, not DUE to the US economy.

Actually, I think you're right. The US' economic failure might just be the catalyst that pushes all the other countries to follow suit like a domino effect before any alternative measures could be developed. All this due to the US having gone to war every 5 years on average instead of having developed their industries to compensate for the fact that they have very little natural resources to work with, thus only being able to offer whatever they can make out of Canada's exports, which is tanks and stealth bombers which they keep to themselves, hooray!

Either way, the world is in stuff. Now we just have the US to blame for making it all go to stuff faster then expected. Thanks US.

No, OPEC is.

2 main effects on the price of petroleum...

1. Price OPEC decides to sell it at
2. Price traders choose to pay per barrel (this affects #1).

Oil companies simply refine the crude oil that is bought and convert it various products like gasoline for automobiles and even into plastics. The cost that they add onto the cost of crude oil is small, but there are enough people buying it that their profits are huge. Oil companies aren't angelic businesses, but they don't deserve alot of the flak they receive for the cost of gas.

I'm sure they both are :D

Actually from last week I saw gas go from $3.30 to now $3.05, myth busted. OPEC overestimates their production, because counting is very hard when you are trying to entrepreneur  the world! Also China and India won't stop buying [because they need to] oil/coal/natural gas, we're all forgeted because the demand in these countries is so great.

But everything I could say has been said. George Bush still has no idea what he's talking about, and change isn't going to happen because both candidates voted in favor of the bill.

Who's down for living in Fiji? Must know how to make coconut radios!

We need to do more drilling. California has off-shore drilling, but I don't the crude gets sent to near bye refineries.Yet the state doesn't use its money to fix the roads. its worthless state anyways.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 10:41:11 PM by Harm94 »

Actually from last week I saw gas go from $3.30 to now $3.05, myth busted. OPEC overestimates their production, because counting is very hard when you are trying to entrepreneur  the world! Also China and India won't stop buying [because they need to] oil/coal/natural gas, we're all forgeted because the demand in these countries is so great.

But everything I could say has been said. George Bush still has no idea what he's talking about, and change isn't going to happen because both candidates voted in favor of the bill.

Who's down for living in Fiji? Must know how to make coconut radios!
Luckily, Bush will be out of office in less than a year.  The Republicans will be out of power for a very long time unless the Democrats manage to forget things up.  But, this is the US government after all, and someone will forget it up.  I don't believe that our government works all that well.  I think that we need major reforms inside it.  We need to stop getting involved in the stupid affairs of the rest of the world unless they involve us first.  (Like Iraq)  We need to stop buying from loving China, start selling to other countries, and get our economy back.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2008, 10:42:19 PM by Lord Pie »

Either way we went in the kill terrorists.  We never came up with an exit strategy.