unrealistic story, unrealistic gameplay
It's not SUPPOSED to be realistic, it's supposed to be fun.
and aren't really going for realism

Saints Row is more comical then Realistic.
Duh. Comical > Real Life. Saints Row was designed to be humorous violence, it's FUN. Guess who else did humorous violence?

They were loving amazing, and nothing they did was remotely realistic.
That's what makes TV, Movies, Comic Books, Books, and any other form of media interesting.
Shut the forget up, you have a serious problem with understanding that not all games are trying to be "Realistic", nor the fact that some of them SHOULDN'T be realistic.. Realism isn't constantly fun, it's boring. That's the reason GTA:IV got extremly boring there's virtually nothing interesting to do (Unlike GTA:VC, or any classic GTA game). That's why games were created in the first place, as entertainment, not a simulation of real life. Even The Sims, literally a simulation of real life, was fun because it wasn't realistic at all.