
Which one should I get?

39 (52%)
Saints Row 2
36 (48%)

Total Members Voted: 0

Author Topic: Not sure whether to get GTAIV or Saints Row 2.  (Read 11590 times)

It's a hell of a lot more realistic then Saints Row. Also, if a game was that realistic then no one would play it cause you'd die too fast. There has to be a balance. Saints Row Fails to be what it is. If you're gonna make a story about some legendary gangsters or something, you can't make them look like cigarettes.

The character looked like a cigarette in the first Saint's Row he ran like something was in his ass.

Looked the same to me in the trailers. I wonder if you jump like a handicap like in the first one.

So far the only thing I've seen you make fun of about the game are character animations.

You two are just being biased dumbasses.

So far the only thing I've seen you make fun of about the game are character animations.

You two are just being biased dumbasses.

You'd be better off looking at reviews (not ratings, reviews) of SR2 and GTAIV instead of asking here... sorry :/


you can throw people through windows in saint's row 2. can you in GTA IV? i dunno but in saint's row 2 you can design your own player AND go online. so saint's row 2 it is. if i can get an xbox 360 (almost there, just a little more saving up to do, although after i buy it i'll need to save up AGAIN to buy saint's row 2).

You'd be better off looking at reviews (not ratings, reviews) of SR2 and GTAIV instead of asking here... sorry :/


Maybe, but I have been on these forums a while, and I trust some of the people here enough to make a thread like this that calls for an unbiased opinion.

You'd be better off looking at reviews (not ratings, reviews) of SR2 and GTAIV instead of asking here... sorry :/
Or asking people that have actually played both of those games.

you can't make them look like cigarettes.
Yeah, Ninja's are gay.

Stop being so stupid, you haven't even played it.
The character looked like a cigarette in the first Saint's Row he ran like something was in his ass.

Looked the same to me in the trailers. I wonder if you jump like a handicap like in the first one.
You can customize everything about your character. How he runs, talks, moves, taunts. Everything.
Saints Row is GTA for kids.
Just when I thought you couldn't get any stupider. Saints Row is almost three times as vulgar as GTA, saying its for kids is just formulating stupid arguments. At this point, you could just go "NO SANTS ROW STUPID ANNANANA" and it'd be nothing different. I don't know what vendetta you have against it, but you're a loving moron. Even worse is you messaged me and insulted my liking the game because I'm suburban. Since when does the location of my residence have ANYTHING to do with what games I like?
It's a hell of a lot more realistic then Saints Row.
LASTLY: Realism sucks, you're handicapped, Saints Row isn't trying to be realistic.

I have a Hot Dog suit, your argument is invalid.

Just beat the game, epic ending. Not going to spoil anything though. Anyway, have been playing Co-Op, and it's just AMAZING. I also completed the Ambulance missions, moving on to Fire Truck.
« Last Edit: October 26, 2008, 07:53:35 PM by yuki »

Fire Truck missions are impossible. D:
I'm doing Hitman missions for Inf Rifle ammo now.

get saints row 2 you can fix up any car if you go to the right garage

3 times more vulgar than GTA 4? What the forget are you talking about? The blood looks like paint and you cuss just as much in GTA 4. Saints row 2 doesn't even have good graphics. As I said previously, it's just San Andreas with more weapon, customization and stupidity. The physics don't even make sense. You're not a super hero, yet you can tap people and have them fly through a window. You have an incredibly high ammount of health compared to the AI, and the AI sucks. Listen, I don't have time to continue to argue with idiotic kids who want to play their goofy handicapped games. Watch the video reviews and compare for yourself.

Can you shoot someone in the foot while they're standing on a high ledge and then watch them fall to their death in Saints Row 2? Can you push people into train tracks and watch them get run over? Do you have a thorough melee fighting system with blocking, countering, and combos? Do you have smart AI that actually try to kill you? Is it fun to watch yourself die? I don't think so.

Listen, I don't have time to continue to argue with idiotic kids who want to play their goofy handicapped games.
And yet you're making up reasons that don't exist, to hate a game because you're one of those handicaps who thinks that if ANY game is in the same genre as GTA, GTA instantly wins, and the other game is a copy.
3 times more vulgar than GTA 4? What the forget are you talking about? The physics don't even make sense. Watch the video reviews and compare for yourself.
Firstly, "Blood" isn't vulgarity, and the blood pools like normal blood. The physics are hysterical, they don't NEED to make sense. Thirdly, if you trust reviews THAT much, you're an idiot.
Saints row 2 doesn't even have good graphics.
It has very good graphics, it's just a different art style. Your argument is still stupid.

Can you shoot someone in the foot while they're standing on a high ledge and then watch them fall to their death in Saints Row 2? Can you push people into train tracks and watch them get run over? Do you have a thorough melee fighting system with blocking, countering, and combos? Do you have smart AI that actually try to kill you? Is it fun to watch yourself die? I don't think so.
I was lolling, because Saints Row 2 has all of that, except in Saints Row, you can use people as meat shields, and throw them.

I decree that you have no ACTUAL reasoning to hate the game. You've never played, you don't know what you're talking about, and you're acting like a child who hates something for the sole reason of hating it. It's even worse than jumping on a bandwagon. You're a hypocrite who feels the need to attack something with no logic, yet type of paragraphs of bullstuff to support the already non-existent reasoning. Until you throughly examine and play through it, you have no right to even speak.
get saints row 2 you can fix up any car if you go to the right garage
Any Garages fix all vehicles, and allow modification of Stats and Aesthetics.