Author Topic: Left 4 Dead  (Read 106051 times)

Use auto shotgun for maximum grieving.

Auto shotgun > Tank
Auto shotgun = Witch D:
Auto shotgun > Hunter
Auto shotgun >>> Horde

bind k explode is awesome. Especially as boomer when they melee you.

vocalize smartlook - Look!
vocalize PlayerMoveOn - Let's Go!
vocalize PlayerLeadOn - You take the lead!
vocalize PlayerHurryUp - Hurry!
vocalize PlayerNiceJob - Nice Job!
vocalize PlayerWaitHere - Wait here!
vocalize PlayerAreaClear - Clear!
vocalize PlayerCoverMe - Cover Me!
vocalize PlayerImWithYou - I'm with you!
vocalize PlayerAskReady - Ready?
vocalize PlayerLaugh - laugh
vocalize PlayerWarnCareful - Be Careful
vocalize PlayerNegative - Negative.
vocalize PlayerNo - No.
vocalize PlayerSorry - Sorry.
vocalize PlayerYes - Yes.
vocalize PlayerHurrah - Hurrah!
vocalize PlayerThanks - Thank you.

vocalize playerspotpills :cookieMonster:

oh my god, one of the guys i was playing with was constantly doing the pills thing.

Is there a vocalize for the elevator conversation?

That sounds like it might be kind of funny. run away from the group and shout "Pipe bomb, here!" and see how many come running.

Hm. Is there one for spotting a tank? that would freak out some people.

Lol yeah.

I found this out by a guy constantly doing playerdeath as louis, and it sounded like he was getting raped :D.

Can everyone shut up about Left4Dead? I admit the game is okay, but it sucks alot. Sorry, I didn't like it. It looked good as with the trailers, but I got it and it sucks balls.

Online is awesome, thanks for telling me Spenny :D
« Last Edit: November 28, 2008, 08:42:35 PM by Kerog »

"I don't like it so I'm going to tell everybody to shut up."

Did you play single player or online? Single player sucks.

Can everyone shut up about Left4Dead?

i cant let you do that kerog