
Which feature would you most like to see in RTB next?

Friends List + Messaging [1-2 Months Dev Time]
167 (78.4%)
Online/Ingame Gallery System & Save Repository [2-3 Months Dev Time]
20 (9.4%)
Online/Ingame Clan System [4-5 Months Dev Time]
26 (12.2%)

Total Members Voted: 212

Author Topic: Return to Blockland v3  (Read 112564 times)

I was lying by the way, I won't be touching RTB while i'm gone. And you probably live somewhere irrelevant, I'm going to sydney as usual.
Do you mind if I ask why you are flying out?
Educational purposes or just a vaction? =D

Vacation and visiting relatives since i'm half australian and all my mum's family lives out there along with a few family friends.

Haha, cool. Most of my family (extended) lives here, in New Jersey. I don't go anywhere very often.
Hope you enjoy your visit ^^

Location: UK

Felt like pointing that out and the like. :cookieMonster:
Now I feel like an starfish :(

I would come and buy you a coffee but you'd just sit and make fun of me. :(
And you probably don't drink coffee.

I would come and buy you a coffee but you'd just sit and make fun of me. :(
And you probably don't drink coffee.

In web development, the most important tool for completing your work is the coffee machine.

I awalys thought it was a computer, but I guess if you get hyper enough you can use your mind.

You can develop your concept with a pen and paper and give it to someone else to put on the Internet.

Sorry, Wedge, but I think that my mind control theory is much more plausible and realistic then your silly little explanation.

So, how is that delete button going for ya? And I never use coffee or anything like that. Again, my best tool is the rubber ball on my desk top or in my pencil cup.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2009, 03:58:25 PM by General Omega »

Could we get a quota for the Team DM system that's in the plan for V5 or V6? Is CTF going to be included? C&R? Seige?

Will it be customizable, as in, creating new game-modes fairly simply with script.

(although now that i've said that i've totally jynxed it and you're all going to be waiting a few years minimum)
I wont be playing Blockland in a few years =(
unless that is sarcasm, which is what you are most famous for.

Could we get a quota for the Team DM system that's in the plan for V5 or V6?


Didn't know about that. Lets hope its kinda like RTB, and is designed to let modders do most of the work. (Very easy to add on to.)

I'll be taking a break from RTB after v4 (the buddy list system) and relevant bug patches, to continue some other stuff.

The deathmatch engine I proposed is dependant on how good the available deathmatch add-ons are when I come around to making it. If there are some decent ones, I won't bother.