Author Topic: AIP Official Blockland Thread  (Read 19338 times)

I've barley studied. I have a VERY good excuse for that.

If that's what you call nice then this is what i call cheese :

I'm trying to stop these foolish and immature flame wars between you and lilkev.

By insulting me? Yeah, That worked.

I said to stop doing stupid stuff for attention.

It's not attention and what your doing is like rubbing salt into a cut..

1. It's not attention 2. and what your doing is like rubbing salt into a cut..

1. So you're just being a moron for the sake of being a moron?

2. Makes no sense.

.... Wow. 1000000/10!!!!!!!!!!!

..Just kidding.. your movies suck ass.

It takes longer to introduce the movie and show the credits than it takes to play the film.

Utter crap. Not even a cookie for trying.


Your movies suck. We want to warn anyone who might be thinking of watching them.

Just let it die and no-one will

you can add me to the credits list since i made the bathtub map. (thx for using my map:] )
o, and i had an idea for another movie:
a 20 min. action flick featuring my cruise map (i'd provide it specially for this move) with terrorists, explosions, fires (the nuclear engine gives me evil thoughts >:] ), and the ship half sinking with an air pocket cause from water from the engine room flooding deck 7 and only deck seven sealing the decks below...

EDIT:ice cream, i only just realized this topic was a month old... sry, i'm still up for helping with a better movie (i'd direct it)

EDIT: i have a script concept if you want to try it:
*shows intro and plays star trek voyager theme*
*fades in to different panning views of the M.S. Gizmo, sailing in the ocean.*
*people are seen relaxing on the top deck in said panning views*
*then a man dressed in a black suit with red hair (the hair facedecal) walks up to a lady dressed in a purple dress (they're both on the second to topmost deck)*
THE MAN: Hey, aren't you attending the opening ceremony on the topmost deck?
THE WOMAN: I was but i'm enjoying the pretty sun.
THE MAN: Sure, i know what's really up: your lonly and don't like large crowds...
THE WOMAN: Well, yeah, how did you know?
THE MAN: everyone with a date is either getting drunk at the bar, or scoring on the topless deck.
THE WOMAN: whats your name?
THE MAN: Stud Lincon
THE WOMAN: Laura Brick
Stud: you want to go to the ceremony with me?
Laura: sure what the hell.
*they walk to the topmost deck and behold as an old man dressed in white greets them, as well as a couple dozen others*
THE OLD MAN: greetings, welcome aboard the Gizmo! my name is Leomnivous Brickmeyar, the rich man that owns this dingie. First I'd like to introduce your captain, Lee Bong .
Bong: I am proud to be the first asian captain of this fine vessel. I will be giving all the orders that go into the operating of this ship.
Leo: Let's give a hand to Mr.Bong!
*everyone claps*
Leo: Now, we will be sailing to southern mexico where we will dock at our ports of call, somewhere in the country. As i have nothing more to say to you, enjoy your voyage , as well as the free tequilla waiting for you in the top deck restaraunt.

*time passes, the camera enters through a porthole into one of the staterooms, where Stud and Laura are talking*

Laura: say, want to go down to the casino? I'm a pretty good baccarat player...
stud: you're pretty allright...
Laura: cut it out, i'm not that warmed up to you yet.
Stud: only joking, why don't we play blackjack instead?
Laura: sounds like a plan.
*the couple walk out of the stateroom, into the hallway where they come accross a latino fellow (who immediately hides a gun)*
Stud: what the...
The latino: I'm Antonio Studeras, i'm, a,  chief engeneer of this, um, cruise ship *he speaks nervously and then walks away*
Laura: Wait, what are you doing with that... *but shes too late, he enters the elevator and leaves the deck.*
Stud: that was freaky...
Laura: forget about it, we need to be in the casino.
*the scene fades then fades back in, at the casino entrance, the camera moves into the casino (at the first person view of Stud), and heads for the blackjack table... the dealer shoves a grenade under the table*
Stud: allright what the f*** is going on here? you're the second crewperson i've seen with a weapon?
dealer: um, what weapon?
*as a dramatic action musical score plays,the dealer imediately pulls a rifle, and at the same time laura pushes stud to the side and pulls out a pistol*
Laura: drop the gun or i'll blow your mother f*cking brains out!
Stud: Holy....
*the dealer fires, Laura is hit,
(but unbeknowst to anyone but herself is fitted with a bullet-proof vest) laura fires back like a coke addict and knocks the man to his feet.*
Stud: theres a lot i don't know about you...
Laura: lets get this as**ole to the infirmery, then the captain can throw him in the brig.
*laura fails to realize that half the ships passengers are now huddled around the casino with shocked faces*
*the scene transitions in some fancy way to the topdeck, at night. Laura and Stud are standing together looking over the rear end of the ship.*
Stud: You don't mind explaining what went on back there do you?
Laura: first of all, i usaually don't tell my profession to anyone without killing them, but i think i'll except you.
Stud: Gee thanks
Laura: I'm an agent of MI6.
Stud: holy crap
Laura: I was vacationing when that blackjack dealer pulled a gun on me. luckily i was wearing my bullet proof vest...
Stud: Didn't trust me with my Guns eh? *pumps his left arm*
Laura: *giggles* not exactly.
*they're about to kiss (play romantic music) untill they are rudly interrupted by machinegun fire (end romantic music and play action/adventure score), a small dingie with a machine gun mounted on it and several south mexican pirates as the crew*
Laura: it's a pirate attack, i'll hold them, you run and tell the captain!
*as stud runs accros the topless deck he accidentally bumps into the captain, unfortunatly he is armed*
Stud: captain, pirates are attacking!
Captain Bong: I know... too bad you had to find out...
*he turns the gun on stud when suddenly a shot is heard and the captain drops to the floor. all of a sudden, Leomnivous, the millanare is revealed with a flint-lock standing directly behing where the captain was.*
Leo: Amazing what they sell at the duty-free shops isn't it? The store clerk tipped me off that someone was trying to change hands of the ship, so i came up as soon as i could.
Stud: THE ENGINEER! He has a gun! He might sabotage the engines!
Leo: No, stud, i gave him that weapon. i knew something was fishy, so i employed him and the store clerk as a private resistance in case of a mutany.
*gunshots are heard and explosion is sounded, and a puff of smoke is seen shooting out the main smokestack*
leo:OH MY GOD!!
Stud: oh no what?
Leo: someone's hit the nuclear reactor! We have to go down there and flood the deck!
Stud: I'm with you, but wait, Laura is holding off guards at the stern.
*the two rush to assist Laura, but to their horror, shes been shot and captured. the last they see of her is two men hauling her into the bowels of the ship through an emergency hatch.*
Leo: quickly, we must get to the bottom floor.
*they rush to the restaurant deck and the elevator, (the restaurant chef hands Stud a smoke grenade and pulls out a cutlass) after the trio reach the elevator, Leo hits the button for deck 7.*
Stud: deck seven?
Chef: Secret entrance
Stud: Oh
*they arrive and head for the door at the end of the hall. Leo opens a hidden panel, inputs his finget on a scanner, opens the door, and lowers the lazer grid.*

Leo: alright, this is it....
 *the 3 of them walk dow the stairs, and end up at the bottom floor, with a dead body at their feet, Antonio's.
imediatly the terroists open fire.*
Leo F*ck i can't get a good shot!
*the chef ends his short life by charging one of the terrorists while he reloads, killing the man, but getting shot in the process, taking advantage of thier drawn fire, leo fires a lethal shot into one of the guards. 2 left. theres a revolver on the studera's body. Then stud sees laura tied to the advanced engine.*
Laura: HELP!!
*Stud lincoln makes the most dangerous , yet tactically efficient move he could, he throws the smpke grenade that chef gave him, he grabs antonio's gun, and he charges into the smoke from the grenade...
two gunshots are heard. then after a few dramatic seconds, Stud walks out of the smoke with Laura by the hand.*
Leo: you get onto the top deck. i'll jam the engine vents open and flood the deck. otherwise the radiation from the blown nuclear reactor will kill us all.
Laura: but you'll be killed!
Leo: don't worry about me, i'm just a rich-ass prick.
Stud: but you saved me.
Leo just go you dumb !@#$s!
*stud and laura head for the stairs, making their way to deck seven.
allthough the audience dosn't see it, they board a lifeboat. the next thing seen (after the flooding of the engine room) is Stud and laura on a lifeboat kissing. they find a nearby yacht, (which evidentally had received the distress signal Leomnivous sent out) and are stunned to hear machine gun fire. *
Laura: Not again!
*but as the dingie moves closer, it's not a pirate they see, but Leomnivous Brickmeyar!*
Leo: You kids should try this sometime it's awsome!
Leo: I'm a damn good swimmer kid.
Laura: o thats wonderful! *and  with that she kisses Stud once again while in the backround the M.S. Gizmo capsizes, and after a few seconds the view transitions with a heart or circle effect, and the credits roll, with panning video of the ship underwater*
                                           ==THE END==
« Last Edit: May 27, 2006, 10:37:14 PM by gizmo »

Everytime he makes a movie, us viewers barf in digust and flame him.

Don't give him ideas, for his sake, for mine.

if i direct (and my script is used) it will turn out fine. i just need a camera man and experianced movie maker. He knows how to work xp moviemaker (and hopefully movie maker 2) and can make the videos and put them together. if he agrees, the finished product won't be realeased untill we're both satisfied. I could probably film too, but i'd still need a crew. o, if anyone wants to, they can help. i'll start a server after i finish the script. also post if you built anything on my cruise ship server, so your name can be added to the credits.
Spation, if you want to make this movie (it will definitly boost your rep) PM me and all the people that have helped you in previous movies (give them the script of course) and see how big a crew you can round up.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2006, 10:09:16 PM by gizmo »


It's pretty jumpy. It's like a long movie made short, but, otherwise pretty good. I'd like to see this movie made the way it's planned. And I'd say you'd be better off with BLMP, Blockland Movie Productions, instead of Spat and his AIP.

yo gizmo can i be part of the crew i rock at xp moviemaker i can post em together my email is  if that dont work do plz i rock at this